Apple Logo LCD mod is the coolest thing I have seen today - Macenstein

Apple Logo LCD mod is the coolest thing I have seen today

Check out Eddie Zarick‘s rather impressive MacBook Apple Logo LCD mod. By adding a tiny second monitor to his MacBook, positioned directly behind of the Apple logo, Eddie is able to display anything from photos, to video, to the live feed of his iSight camera, which makes for a very cool transparent effect.

As cool as this is, if there’s room for a second LCD behind the main screen then I think Apple’s engineers have failed miserably with the MacBook, totally ignoring their company policy of “making all things as small as they can possibly get, even if it compromises the end user experience“.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader iShervin for the tip!
[via CrunchGear]

12 Responses to “Apple Logo LCD mod is the coolest thing I have seen today”
  1. Doc Sciuk says:

    This is awesome. Hopefully there will be a manual for it.
    I’m wondering why Apple didn’t do it.

  2. Justin says:

    That’s pretty cool. He probably just jammed it in there, but you do have a point. I wouldn’t expect Apple to leave even a paper’s width of extra space in there 🙂

  3. Kutt-Out says:

    Pointlessly awesome – should be in every mac. 🙂

  4. iShervin says:

    lol @ doc, I wish i could do this!
    but to be honest on the White / White macbook if you take the actual PLASTIC LOGO and the little frame behind it you will have enough space to fit a mobile LCD in there easily!!! let’s wait for next gen macbook with LCD LOGO 😛

  5. ObeyTheFist says:

    Can you post some details about how you did this? Does it render your monitor out port useless?

  6. Justin says:

    “Pointlessly awesome – should be in every mac. :)”

    Haha, couldn’t have said it better myself!

  7. Eddie Zarick says:

    Guys.. check out the website and keep it on your favorites… i will b posting tutorials and services to do this to your.. .i will even be selling this macbook you have seen on ebay!

  8. Eddie Zarick says:

    Guys.. check out the website and keep it on your favorites… i will b posting tutorials and services to do this to your.. .i will even be selling this macbook you have seen on ebay!

  9. Jonro says:

    Finally, something practical to do with ePaper!

  10. Ben says:

    Hey, why don’t you simply make an App that switches to that LCD when the MacBook is folded?

    Take a Phone for example. It displays the Time, Battery Power and Signal Strength on the Mini Screen.

    The App could predominantly display on the Logo’s LCD instead of the Main one, hide when the MacBook is Open, and show again when shut.

    The App could probably just show the Battery Power and Time on the Logo, have it glowing green, slowly emptying to batt levels or something 😀

    NOW THAT. would be cool.

    I’m not saying THIS isn’t though 🙂

  11. Stockholm says:

    Now that’s another of these things that are soooo cool you wonder why Apple didn’t do them in the first place !

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