iPhone Engrish of the Day: Vampire Game 1.1 - Macenstein

iPhone Engrish of the Day: Vampire Game 1.1



New price!!
It is appearance of a fantastic post recording application!
Schoolchildren in Japan jumped up and down and it turned in the 1980’s.
That again now in 2009!! Jump again with iPhone/iPod touch!!!

– Be a Chinese Vampire!
pushing four kinds of buttons –
•That jump sound heard by the movie and TV.
•The yell of power.
•There are two kinds of attack sounds in which
the both arms is brandished.

– Attention –
•Please note surrounding circumstances when you use
this application program.
•It is a real sound source. Please do not misuse it.
•We will not deal with the trouble that occurs
because it plays by this application program.
•The sound of this application doesn’t ring because
it doesn’t build the speaker into iPod touch (the first generation).
•It ties to peripherals and when using it, operation is not guaranteed.

– Support –
On the support page, You can see another commodity
and the latest information of the version release etc.

Moreover, the transmission of mail is also more possible
than this application program.

Please continue your favors toward E-mailed externals
when there are an opinion and a demand, etc.

What’s New

It corresponds to non-display of the status bar.

4 Responses to “iPhone Engrish of the Day: Vampire Game 1.1”
  1. mangochutney says:

    Well, I guess your blog can’t display Chinese characters.
    I wrote:

    mei you yisi.

  2. iDarbert says:

    Remember the early days when Apple used to refuse apps for bad grammar and typos?
    Everybody complained about that.

  3. Smorgasbord says:

    If I had a company that did business with other countries, I would have someone in each country that knows English do the translating for me. They live there and know how things are said there. They would get the information in English, translate it into THEIR language, and send it back. They would be paid by how accurate it is.

    One problem with translating into another language is not all countries say things in the same order. Even if you translate the words OK, they could be in the wrong order for THAT language.

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