NSFW – How the world views the iPod touch
Faithful Macenstein reader Jeff from the comedy troupe Elephant Larry has made a video which I think does a fairly accurate job of summing up how the world in general views the iPod touch. (FYI, Jeff is the touch owner). *Warning – strong language*
OK, maybe that’s a little harsh, but I have found that while the “outside” world does know what an iPhone is, it has no idea what an iPod touch is. In fact, I think they think commercials for iPod touches are actually iPhone commercials. This is mainly Apple’s fault for failing to visually differentiate the two products in any meaningful manner. Both my kids have touches, and I have pretty much had to explain what they are to every single one of their friend’s parents who I have met (and apologize to them that now their kids want one after seeing my kids’ touches.) But I guess the important thing is that the kids know what an iPod touch is, and can tell their parents what to go buy.
My kids know how to tell an iPod Touch from an iPhone. I only have the Touch and they have played with the iPhone in the Apple Store. Most people don’t know what an iPod Touch is. When they ask, I simply say, it’s an iPhone without the phone or camera. I often have to repeat that several times before they “get it”. People are so dense.
At least he died knowing he was a stupid piece of….
🙂 Nice find!
And that was funny?
I don’t see how that was funny either. That was harsh. Maybe that’s funny to some sort of East Coast coked up hyper violent sociopathetic New York mentallity. God, I’m off to BoingBoing for my unicorn chaser…
It’s the opposite for me. People are always asking to have a go with my “touch”. And I’m just like “WTF?” for a few seconds until they realise their idiotic mistake.
It only takes one explanation for me. Also Xeno I live NYC and nobodys that harsh (especially things like iPods, actually all my friends are amazed I have one 😀 they think its so touchable™)
touchable is now a ™ of WFT Inc.
hahahaha, everyone i know has an iphone, and the people i know who say they have an ipod touch has never shown me theirs…
That’s Funny, but only if you have an iPhone. If you have an iPod Touch, then I guess it’s not so funny. 🙂
straight up. love the part at the end when the dude spits on him. most people are a bit dense when they ask about the iPod touch – they more often not ask why the hell didn’t you get an iPhone…
The video is low brow humor but effective – the iTouch, see even the naming convection can get hosed, is a crippled device – mash between a iPod video/5G and and iPhone (well without the phone part of course)… with the iPhone being released w/o a phone plan maybe it might kill off the iPod Touch line.
We could make the flip side of this, where that same gang of people cannot make a phone call on their lame iPhones while I’m making a full 5 bar connection on my cell while using my ipod touch. Now whose the loser?
ok. I just felt 1000 brain cells die. That was lame. Everyone I show my touch too love it. Most touch owners are that way because they HATE AT&T and would never switch because ATT is a rip off.
My phone is a phone not a toy. My touch is a toy not a phone. Besides it has been proven that the touch is better for gaming.
Where’s the punchline?
Guess I want iphone, for the merit of 3G and low quality built in camera.
Other than that, just fine, or better with ipod touch and regular verizon dumb phone.
Each one does what it suppose to do at its best.