Scooter users heart their Macs

Faithful Macenstein reader Eric from the Chicago Scooter Club (yes, it exists) ran a poll on their site about their member’s computer preference, and it looks like scooter owners prefer Macs over PCs by a factor of nearly 2 to 1! I’m not sure whether to be proud about that or not, but since scooters and geeks go hand in hand, I think we’ll take this as a win. Mac users made up 60% of the results, versus 31% for PC users, 6% using Linux, and 3% claiming they use “other”. Of course, those claiming “other” should really just go ahead and stuff themselves into a locker.
Oh come on! Is it really that embarrassing to be using Solaris or AIX? I have my Sun workstation sitting right next to my Mac, and they’ve never fought. In fact, I think they make a great team! (Of course, if by “other” they mean they use BeOS, or, dare I say it, DOS, that’s an entirely different matter.)
I’m not fat I’m Big Boned!