Well, that’s ONE way to hurt iPod sales…. - Macenstein

Well, that’s ONE way to hurt iPod sales….

Microsoft’s latest weapon against the iPod: The BSOD

Faithful Macenstein reader George writes:

So I’m returning from the World Air Hockey Championships in Las Vegas and at the LAS airport I see an Apple branded vending machine for iPods so I run over to take a look and replace my stolen nano and as I whip out my card to pay I notice the damn thing is run by Windows and is displaying the Windows standard screen, you know BSOD! I hope Apple uses a better OS on the next one hehe. Pics included

14 Responses to “Well, that’s ONE way to hurt iPod sales….”
  1. edoreld says:


  2. Justin says:

    Yes, LOL indeed 🙂

  3. Killer's Dad says:

    One of the reasons I love Apple is the personal service I receive when shopping for Apple products in The Apple Store, AT&T Swear-less, and Apple Resellers. I even enjoy browsing for products in the online Apple Store and other website using my Apple Safari web browser on my MacBook or iMac.

    I simply don’t understand why anyone would try to sell Apple products in an impersonal vending machine.

    I really can’t comprehend someone would deploy a Windows system to serve the kiosk.

    BTW, I’ve forgotten how to use a Winders interface – What does START really mean?

  4. f1sh3r says:

    i saw the same screen on my ATM last week. i’m more amused than angry seeing it here tho.

  5. John says:

    The picture of the BSOD is cool, but not nearly as cool as hearing that there’s a world air hockey championships! I was always partial to bubble hockey, but still…hope George did well.

  6. Kenneth says:

    They use Windows Mobile devices in the store to process stores. Microsoft uses Mac’s for making marketing material. Gasp!

  7. Kenneth says:

    I mean process sales… St. Patty’s day drinking started early!

  8. Where is this vending machine? As opposed to a Pepsi or M&M’s, I can get dropped a new iPhone?

    Does this mean I can pick up an iPhone and not have to do the AT&T stuff? You know, so I can leave it on my shelf in its shrinkwrap for the next generation of folks, so they can pay thousands – nay, millions – for a pristine mint iPhone!?

  9. Jim says:

    I have this vision of the Hanson brothers beating the crap out of this vending machine because it took their money.

    (I wonder if they show Speed Racer here?)

  10. Jonro says:

    Buying an iPod from a vending machine in an airport is such a great idea! Because then you can get on the plane with your new iPod and… ummm…. it’s not charged and there isn’t any music on it. Hmmm… Never mind.

  11. Smorgasbord says:

    I am guessing this is a vending machine that is made to sell whatever the buyer wants. It could have had candy, sodas, etc. The person who bought the machine from the seller decided to sell Apple. In other words, it is just a REGULAR vending machine that sells Apple stuff.

  12. Operator207 says:

    They have one of these at the mall down the street selling ipods. Its next to another one that looks exactly the same but sells jewelry. Next to another one selling gift cards. Next to another one selling… Ya there pretty common. I think the gift card one was selling shoes at one point. I don’t go to the mall, unless its to watch a movie, it stands right outside the theater.

  13. davewhippedgoliath says:

    I finished 5th in doubles and 9th in singles for more info go to airhockeyworld.com

  14. Sam Howat says:

    These are not Apple vending machines, they are just vending machines that a company is using to sell Apple products…. but it’s good nonetheless!

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