Win one of 5 copies of TranslateIt! for Mac! - Macenstein

Win one of 5 copies of TranslateIt! for Mac!

“Moje genitálie jsou schopni zmrazit čas.” Ahh, if you only knew how many times that phrase helped me out when I was in Czechoslovakia. What? You don’t speak Czech? Oh. Well, if you owned TranslateIt! for the Mac, you’d know what I just said (and you’d have a new found respect for me). Well, luckily for you, TranslateIt! has decided to give us Five 1- year licenses of their extremely cool translation software to give away to you, our most faithful of faithful readers.


Yes, studies have shown that most of us (particularly in America) are not as multi-lingual as we should be, but thanks to TranslateIt!, we can pretend we are! TanslateIt! has one of the slickest interfaces I have seen in any application, and it actually is a testament to its coolness that it makes translating things fun. I’ve been playing with the app for about half an hour so far and I am still finding new features. Key highlights (IMO) are:
• full text translation
• lots of free dictionaries for a great number of languages
• support for custom dictionaries,
• ability to look up words in any cocoa application by just moving the pointer over them
• translation from clipboard
• drag-and-drop translation
• text to speech
• a Spotlight-like ‘search as you type’ input method
• and a totally customizable dictionary display.

You can even use TranslateIt! as a teaching tool, as it can print Flash cards as well as quiz you in its Word Quiz game.


TranslateIt! claims it can translate to and from any language – and I did see a dictionary listed for every language of any country I imagine has a computer in it. Pretty much the only language missing is Klingon, but the good news is you can always add Klingon yourself as a custom dictionary, as TranslateIt! has an integrated converter for XDXF, Apple Dictionary, DSL, DCT formats, and the upcoming version will able work with most popular online dictionaries.

To enter: Just tell us what is the one language you wish you spoke fluently. (Personally, I’m still working on English…). Contest is open for 10 days to all readers worldwide. Thanks, and good luck!

106 Responses to “Win one of 5 copies of TranslateIt! for Mac!”
  1. Ofek says:

    I would like to speak english fluently

  2. Spirit says:

    I would like to speak spanish fluently

  3. Derek Foo says:

    japanese… for anime, crazy gameshows and so much more!

  4. stephan says:

    arabic – simply because it would open up so many doors in my future career

  5. Nguyen Nhat Linh says:

    I would like to be able to speak Russian fluently so I could chase those beautiful models who live across the street ^_^ My unholy gosh, they r so hot!!!

  6. pawel_z_wrocka says:

    Chinese, ’cause it would sound so frakkin’ Firefly-like.

  7. Blazej says:

    I would like to speak Japanese fluently, to get the quality sushi at the Japanese restaurants 😀

  8. Klingon would be the language I wish I spoke fluently, but I would also settle for knowing French fluently as well (since I’m Canadian).

  9. SirCrumpet says:

    Japanese – I’ve always thought it would be an awesome language to know.

  10. Danny Tang says:

    Japanese and Korean would a dream come true!!

  11. edoreld says:

    German, just because I’m going there in a while ^_^

  12. Gregg says:


  13. Craig says:

    Japanese, because I have an interest in Japan. Plus I think it sounds cool.

  14. Nacho says:


  15. Craig says:


  16. liquitt says:


    …i love Sweden!

  17. Anthony says:

    Italian … so I can speak more easily with my cousins in Italy.

  18. Nikola says:

    Klingon… so I can charge with a mighty roar. Or French, so I can get some food, which I can’t point with my finger, from the local store…

  19. JJ2005 says:

    German, or Italian Sounds better than Klingon *LOL*

  20. Filip says:


  21. Chris Bulow says:

    Chinese – think we may need it soon….

  22. Jan says:

    Japanese – because I want to visit Japan soon and I don’t like going to countries whose language I don’t know :).

    Oh and by the way – “Moje genitálie jsou schopni zmrazit čas.” is gramatically incorrect – one should say “Mé genitálie jsou schopny zmrazit čas.” :)).

  23. Ahmed Hazem says:


  24. Aldo Johnson says:

    Chinese… ’cause it’s a tonal language and I’m tone deaf 🙂

  25. jonasr says:

    Cause I’m bit “dobrý ” in Czech language… I would love to… yeah be good in English… I love this language!!! Thanks for using czech sentence 😀
    Zdravím vÅ¡echny z ÄŒeské republiky 😀

  26. Atif Z says:

    Would love to speak Spanish… then i can finally understand what my girlfriend says when she is pissed off!

  27. Jeff says:

    I want to speak fluent Spanish. I live in an area of the country with a growing Hispanic population and it would be nice to be able to communicate with them.

  28. Chris Leither says:


  29. chris says:

    Elvish would be a dream come true. In fact, I’d abandon English all together. More realistically though, Spanish would be pretty useful.

  30. Lee Howson says:

    I’d love to be able to speak fluent French. Living here in the UK France is is only a train ride/ferry trip away.

  31. Torrance says:


  32. Eduardo Santos says:

    I’d love to speak Latin, even though it is a “dead” language!

  33. Ed says:

    Definitely Arabic!

  34. txpunk says:

    Japanese without a doubt.

  35. I would like to speak english fluently!!!

  36. Norm says:

    The one language I wish I spoke fluently is Gaelic (Scottish/Irish).

  37. Scottij says:


  38. Scratic says:

    Mandarin Chinese

  39. daniel says:

    spanish, def spanish

  40. Carrie says:

    Spanish, because my husband keeps bugging me so I can talk to my in-laws better (which is why I’m not learning faster)

  41. Phillip says:

    As I’d really like to backpack south america some some day, I’d like to learn portuguese!!!

  42. Alonso says:

    Me gustaría mejorar mi ingles y talves un poco frances.

  43. Jonro says:

    I would like to speak Polish fluently (I’m going to visit a good friend who lives there).

  44. JorgeLuisBorges says:


  45. I would want to learn numerous languages (I know English and French Fluently), wanna take on Italian next.

  46. Jeremy says:

    Japanese, for all the anime I watch and to live in Japan someday.

  47. Dave-O says:


  48. Logan says:


    Blonde hair, blue eyed babes—what’s not to love?

  49. Eric M. says:


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