Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Fergie - Macenstein

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Fergie

Here’s Fergie, going for a morning jog with her iPod!

Anyone else find it odd that she is using a giant pair of $300 Dr. Dre Beats (the very same ones we gave away earlier this year) for exercising?

And I just thought this picture of this dude caught checking our Fergie’s gams was too funny not to post.

[via Celebslam]

6 Responses to “Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Fergie”
  1. timbo says:

    wtf? who goes jogging with jewlery? its like these chicks at the pool, pretending to work out swimming some laps. with carefully done hair, makeup and jewlery. this is a sign for whats wrong with this world

  2. Chenz says:

    (lovin’ the Dre buds)

  3. brian says:

    Those headphones weight more than she does lol.

  4. Xero says:


  5. Imagine Engine says:

    I don’t know whether to laugh at the guy about to fall over his tongue or laugh at her shorts that beg someone to reach out and grab that tight fine ass 🙂

  6. Smorgasbord says:

    Take another look where the guy’s eyes are pointing. He is admiring her shoes. He probably wants to get his wife a pair just like them.

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