Denise Milani does MacBook unboxing right! - Macenstein

Denise Milani does MacBook unboxing right!

Denise Milani

I never really got the whole “unboxing pictures” phenomenon. It seems every time a new Apple product comes out, a slew of Mac sites rush to their Apple store in hopes of getting their photo gallery of the new device to Digg first – usually in vain because Gizmodo or Engadget pretty much always beats them to it. Well, as much as I don’t really go in for unboxing galleries, for some reason I am strangely drawn to these pictures Mac Chick Denise Milani sent us detailing her trip to the Apple store to pick up her new MacBook this month.

Denise Milani

You may recognize Czech born Denise from AskMen’s 2009 top 99 hottest women on the internet list, from her nearly 3.5 million Goggle results, or just for having one of the most amazing pair of all-natural breasts on the planet (yes, those are real, and whoever documented them has the best job ever). Speaking of Unibody construction, Denise just upgraded her PowerBook to a new unibody MacBook, and she’s letting us come along on her trip to the Apple Store. Let’s GO!

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Oh yeah, she owns an iPhone too.

Denise Milani

We’re working hard to convince Denise she should do a proper Mac Chick shoot for us, so please telling her you want her to do the feature!

To see more of Denise, check out her site

38 Responses to “Denise Milani does MacBook unboxing right!”
  1. TheCos says:

    HOLY SHIT! Wow. How does she stay in such great shape being so top-heavy? Jogging has got to be right out… Stairmaster maybe?

  2. Stephen says:

    Best MacChick ever!

  3. Fleshman03 says:

    How does she not simply fall over?

    How do I now stand up?

    These are some of the questions this posting “raised.”

  4. darrell says:

    holy crapp! do a macchick feature!!!!!!!!

    meanwhile these pics will tide us all over 🙂

  5. Jake says:

    Hey, that’s so awesome! I actually met her once in Florida – super nice girl. Came into the store I work in. Cool to know she’s a Mac Chick. Now I have something to talk to her about if she ever comes back in.

  6. Paul says:

    HELL YEAH!!!

  7. Brian says:

    Guys, I think you should visit her website www denisemilani com.
    She has a lottttt of pictures there that would be great for a Mac Chick of the month!

  8. Andrius says:

    She’s F freak 😀 😀

  9. alex says:

    I love this site 😀

  10. Phil McKraken says:

    A valued member of the team! Helps make up for some of us ugly dudes.

  11. Kelly says:


  12. Jaoko says:

    Im actually a member of her website and I love it! She personally replies to emails!!

  13. Sirpopealot says:

    Not bad but I still lie Aerin from December 2008!!!!!!!!

  14. andrew says:

    ditto on the best mac chick ever. also, i wish i were the mac specialist to help her out! 😉 and thirdly, glad to see she is still rockin’ the original iphone like myself…


  15. James says:

    I heard she’s dating Sam Ronson.

  16. Steve says:

    Cute, but bigger/more is not always better.

  17. Daniel says:

    My Apple store never has shoppers like this!
    That’s it, I’m moving. 🙂
    Hope she joins the ranks of Mac Chick of the month. Love the smile
    that goes with the rest of her.

  18. Fabian says:

    This is insanity!

    I mean … she can’t even read the display of her iPhone!

    But … great MacBook!

  19. Dan Da Manda says:

    too big! sheesh.

  20. Vicente says:

    That photo where she’s sitting at the desk… It’s almost the first time I’ve liked the glossy screen on the MacBook 🙂
    Just wish she would tilt it a little bit forward (the screen – then again, maybe not just that)!

  21. Agustin says:

    Not that it matters, but that Mac store is the Old Town Pasadena, CA Store.

  22. slappy says:

    I had to step back a bit, I thought I had zoom on my Mac turned on by accident. Okay, okay I have a headache now! The good kind. LOL

    Denise would be an awesome Mac Chick of the Month!!!

  23. Whoa. Good thing I sprung for the 24-inch monitor. Those things never would have fit on a mere 20-incher.

  24. Lifebox says:

    Now that’s what I call a hope chest!

  25. @le says:

    Unboxing? Where? 😐

  26. Fabinhuh says:

    Where is The Macbook? i can’t see no one

  27. Ded says:

    Uhmmm. Where is mac-wallpaper with this Goddess?

  28. niselani lover says:

    I love her! I just can’t imagine if she wanted to work on her macBOOK … and I work on her massBOOB.

  29. Jason says:

    You know…kinda makes me want to buy a Macbook.

  30. juan munoz says:

    would like for ms. denise milani to response to my e-mail and would like to ask her if i could take pictures of her in person. while i am there would like to take her out for dinner

  31. azad says:

    WoW nice.

  32. Toddan says:

    She visit a Apple store and bought a Mac? I totally missed that. 🙂

    Awesome pictures of Denise.

  33. Jay Robinson says:

    Can I make a joke with a double entendre involving boxes?

  34. luca says:

    Anyone who believes the breasts of this slut are natural is a complete idiot.

    And to the morons subscribing to her website:
    Do you take your wallets out everytime you see a chick at the beach?
    Do you hand over your credit cards everytime you see a fully clothed attractive woman walking down the street?

  35. idl3mind says:

    jaw-dropping hot!

  36. Bill says:

    she would be a LOT cuter if those boobs weren’t so big. disappointing. awesome mac though

  37. Joe says:

    Get a clue guys… her bra is clearly stuffed with some kind of material… just look at how lumpy and bumpy her tits look the side perspectives.

    I’m sorry but fake tits stuffed with fake materials to make them look unrealistically big are not all that exciting!

  38. Dean says:

    How does she see her phone? She is too hot and has too big tits to see it that way. 😀

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