Megan Fox and the world’s luckiest iPhone - Macenstein

Megan Fox and the world’s luckiest iPhone

Insert joke about Megan beta testing a new vibrating app here….
[via The Blemish]

10 Responses to “Megan Fox and the world’s luckiest iPhone”
  1. Rowlings says:

    Actually, I would like to insert something ELSE there…

  2. Alonso says:

    I would call her all night long!

  3. mangochutney says:

    Good Lord that woman is hot.
    She was the only thing besides the robots that helped me endure Shia LaBuff in that Transformers movie.

  4. Calm down Rowlings, calm down 😀

    She’s obviously just scratching with her index finger..

  5. darrell says:

    who doesn’t love megan fox?
    who doesn’t love dry humping an iPhone?

    no one.

  6. slappy says:

    Thats one way to keep the iPhone case warm. In this case more like HOT!

  7. juiceboos says:



  8. Imagine Engine says:

    Obviously this work of art is attempting to keep her short skirt from flowing in the wind but it’s an amazing shot that entices one’s imagination.

  9. Jim says:

    (commercial voiceover …)

    …and, if you want a non-stop redial – there’s an app for that too.

  10. Matt says:

    I think she really needs to pee

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