Win a Mophie Juice Pack Air for iPhone 3G! - Macenstein

Win a Mophie Juice Pack Air for iPhone 3G!

Thank you, we have a winner, and it is faithful Macenstein reader Torrance! Congrats Torrance!

What’s this?!?! Did I just say you can win a Mophie Juice Pack Air?!?! Why, those things aren’t even out yet! I must be crazy. Let me just re-read that again… Yep, looks like we really ARE giving one away to one very lucky winner. Maybe even YOU! (But let’s face it, odds are it won’t be).

mophie juice pack air iPhone 3G

If you have an iPhone 3G, you want the Juice Pack Air. Why? Well, because it is pretty much the coolest thing ever. The Juice Pack Air is a rechargeable external battery concealed inside of a protective form-fitting case for the iPhone 3G. It offers you the full protection of a hard-shell case while providing virtually twice the battery life of the iPhone alone; all in an ultra-thin, light-weight, low-profile design.
• The world’s thinnest Apple certified “Works With iPhone” external battery for iPhone 3G!
• Rechargeable 1200mAh lithium polymer battery virtually doubles your time to rock, talk, surf and send.
• Pass-through USB charging and sync with iTunes
• Extended smart battery and full case protection
• On/Off switch offers choice of battery or case
• Integrated 4 LED charge status indicator Iight combines nearly all the battery charging goodness of the Juice Pack (almost doubling your iPhone’s battery life) while protecting it inside a protective form-fitting case.

To enter:
I think we can all agree that “AIr” is one of those things that most of us would put at the top of our “Can’t live without” list. To that end, in order to enter, simply tell us what is the one material possession you have that you cannot live without. Is it your car? Your phone? Air conditioner? What? Contest ends April 21st, and one winner will be picked randomly (US residents only this time, sorry folks). Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein!

240 Responses to “Win a Mophie Juice Pack Air for iPhone 3G!”
  1. Jenelle says:

    My VW new beetle. I gotta have something to drive when I listen to the tunes on my IPhone.

  2. Joey says:

    I’d have to go with my mom. It’s rather a love/hate relationship, but we have had our ups and downs. It’s plausible as to how we can interact with each other they way we do. She always has something to add on to my conversation. Nevertheless, my mom is the greatest, ever. No I am not being overrated with her superiorness, but I have to take my everywhere I go, and I am damn near 18. SHE COMPLETES ME <3

  3. mikeR says:

    …without my ipod!!

  4. Patrick says:

    all of my apple products

  5. biblezombie says:


  6. Bryant Simons says:

    I would say I can’t live without Final Cut Pro. It makes my life so much easier with editing and getting jobs and work done. Without it, I would have to hurt people because Avid would be my only other option.

  7. Chris Dunning says:

    My wife and son. Honestly. Couldn’t live without them.

  8. haha says:

    Kindle 2

  9. usaczar says:

    My Faith… In Apple!

  10. Michael says:

    I could not live without my pants….they are absolutely necessary.

  11. Nish shah says:

    I can’t live with my Iphone 3G

  12. John Henthorn says:

    I can’t live without my…

    Baby back, baby back, baby back riiiiiiiiiibs! And my iPhone.

  13. Robert says:

    My iPhone.

    It’s my life, mobilized. Gracias.

  14. Brian says:


  15. Steven Jones says:

    My iPhone

  16. Brian says:

    my segway.

  17. Micheline LeBlanc says:

    My husband’s Harley Davidson Road King motorcycle.

  18. Xuyen says:

    My iPhone!!

  19. Aaron Shafenberg says:

    My Jailbroke iPhone 3G! sad but true!

  20. Lee May says:

    My glasses – without it life would be blurry and difficult to enjoy.

  21. James says:

    Coffee !

  22. Sian Goldofsky says:

    Food, then water…. i know survival wise it would be the opposite,
    but without food i’m a gonner

  23. RP says:

    Trust me: toilet paper!

  24. Brian Wolf says:

    I can’t live without my macbook. It’s my lifeline to the world.

  25. rad sturgis says:

    iphone 3g

  26. Chris says:

    My MacBook Pro

  27. anthony says:

    my money… which isnt that much

  28. Gregg says:

    My wife & my iMac.

  29. Finn says:

    My bed since I spend so much time there.

  30. Robert says:


  31. Mike says:

    vodka-I guess I only borrow it, so my sweet as hell iPhone 3g.
    Where’s m April MCOTM?

  32. Jim D says:

    My iMac

  33. Chris says:

    My iphone 3G

  34. Andrew Seely says:

    can’t live without my reef sandals

  35. John says:

    Tough question. How about my house?

  36. fractured says:

    Now that iSyn is out, either the MacBook Pro or iPhone that I use to make music. I lean toward the MBP still, as the iPhone is limited to drums and a couple of synth racks. I really can’t wait to see what new iPhones come out in June. If there’s a multi-core, I suspect I’ll care a little less about the MBP.

  37. Michael-John Bristow says:

    My books.

  38. Jason says:

    That’s a tough one. I’d go with my MacBook Pro since my iPhone can’t do 3D design… yet.

  39. Rich says:

    Can’t live without my Tivo!

  40. tumok says:

    I can’t live without my shovel… Most everything in my life I can actually “live” without, but when the zombie apocalypse finally hits, I’ll need the shovel to turn the soil and dig a garden for food since the grocery stores will all be cleaned out from panicking citizens. Since the majority of people will be panicking, they will quickly become zombie food which means I’ll pretty much be on my own with limited resources.

    With a shovel I can dig soil for my food garden, build a mud hut to live in, it can also work as a prying device and, with the edge sharpened, a cutting device, and, most important, it will be useful as a Zombie skull cracking device.

    A gun, you say? What are you going to do, shoot the soil to turn it? And when your out of bullets, are you going to poke the zombie with the muzzle and hope if goes away? Pleeease….

  41. Albert says:

    I couldn’t live without my netbook at this point, it gets me all the stuff I really need and from anywhere.

  42. Lienster says:


  43. L. Johnson says:

    Gotta be my TV(s)

  44. adam fisk says:

    Grilled Cheese. MO DEF

  45. Aaron says:

    It has gotta be my iPhone 3G.

  46. SC says:

    Insulin pump…followed by my grill.

  47. scotty2shots says:

    The one material I cannot live without would be water. No, wait… carbon. No… hydrogen? Screw it. It’s Mountain Dew.

  48. Michael J Davis says:

    My MacBook Pro

  49. mike says:

    couldnt live without my iphone 3g…

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