Win a Mophie Juice Pack Air for iPhone 3G! - Macenstein

Win a Mophie Juice Pack Air for iPhone 3G!

Thank you, we have a winner, and it is faithful Macenstein reader Torrance! Congrats Torrance!

What’s this?!?! Did I just say you can win a Mophie Juice Pack Air?!?! Why, those things aren’t even out yet! I must be crazy. Let me just re-read that again… Yep, looks like we really ARE giving one away to one very lucky winner. Maybe even YOU! (But let’s face it, odds are it won’t be).

mophie juice pack air iPhone 3G

If you have an iPhone 3G, you want the Juice Pack Air. Why? Well, because it is pretty much the coolest thing ever. The Juice Pack Air is a rechargeable external battery concealed inside of a protective form-fitting case for the iPhone 3G. It offers you the full protection of a hard-shell case while providing virtually twice the battery life of the iPhone alone; all in an ultra-thin, light-weight, low-profile design.
• The world’s thinnest Apple certified “Works With iPhone” external battery for iPhone 3G!
• Rechargeable 1200mAh lithium polymer battery virtually doubles your time to rock, talk, surf and send.
• Pass-through USB charging and sync with iTunes
• Extended smart battery and full case protection
• On/Off switch offers choice of battery or case
• Integrated 4 LED charge status indicator Iight combines nearly all the battery charging goodness of the Juice Pack (almost doubling your iPhone’s battery life) while protecting it inside a protective form-fitting case.

To enter:
I think we can all agree that “AIr” is one of those things that most of us would put at the top of our “Can’t live without” list. To that end, in order to enter, simply tell us what is the one material possession you have that you cannot live without. Is it your car? Your phone? Air conditioner? What? Contest ends April 21st, and one winner will be picked randomly (US residents only this time, sorry folks). Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein!

240 Responses to “Win a Mophie Juice Pack Air for iPhone 3G!”
  1. Jason says:

    My Macbook Pro 🙂

  2. John says:

    possibly my iphone 3g….it’s just integrated into too many spheres in my life.

  3. Bryan Thurnau says:

    My iPhone 3G. I have an app for everything and I swear by it.

  4. Ed says:

    Six months ago I wouldn’t have had a solid answer.

    But now it’s my iPhone (3G).

    I feel slightly sad and pathetic saying that, but thems the facts.

  5. Gregg S. says:

    My iPhone…by a landslide.

  6. Jamsa Jones says:

    my macbook pro

  7. Vince LoGreco says:

    It would have to be my iPhone. While I lived most of my life without it, now that I have it I cant go back. I even take it hiking with me and use it on road trips to document where I was. It.. It’s.. MY PREssssssssCIOUS!!!!!!

  8. Laurent says:

    My Zippo

  9. ryan says:

    1 Internet
    2 iPhone
    2 MBP

  10. Darin says:

    1 iPhone
    2 Internet
    3 Access to Macenstein
    4 iPod mounted in Civic
    5 MBP
    6 Airport Extreme with Time Machine backups via 1 Ter HD
    7 AppleTV with HD movies
    8 …Apple products in general!

  11. jack says:

    would be so alone, without my iphone

  12. derrick says:

    my mac

  13. mpeterke says:

    My MacBook
    My iPhone
    My car

  14. Charles Zappone says:

    My iPhone 3G

  15. bas.o says:

    my contact lenses, i would be blind!

  16. Don says:

    Nintendo DS

  17. Cody says:

    People, everything would blow if you were the only person alive

  18. Michael Jagosz says:

    I can’t live without my music, which includes my ipod.

  19. Imagine Engine says:

    My gadgets which at the top of that list would be my iPhone. Having such electronics in our daily lives makes life more enjoyable 🙂

  20. Randy says:

    my job

  21. Ann says:

    I can’t live without my family. : D

  22. Jon P says:


  23. definitely my MacBook Pro. I was considering saying my iPhone, but my MacBook Pro has my entire life on it. So there we go.

  24. Jeffrey Hagedon says:

    Unfortunately, my iPhone is an extension of me. I used to read books and periodicals. If it’s not on my iPhone, I don’t read it. Thank heavens for RSS feeds and book apps!

  25. Gabe says:

    Ummmm…..most likely my Computer,yes im sorry to say its a PC 🙁

  26. Israel says: of course 🙂

    -after that, I think my HP computer with Hackintosh installed on it !!!

    ¿What else can I do? -I don’t have money even to buy a Mac mini 🙁

  27. kuzya says:

    have no chance to win this… but …
    I think it is my wallet 🙂

  28. Juball says:

    As much as I want to say my Mac, it’d probably have to be my car.

  29. davewhippedgoliath says:

    my remote control

  30. Kelly says:

    my Powerbook…but would trade for a MacBook Pro.

  31. Jeff says:

    My iPhone. Of course.

  32. Kernel Dan says:

    iPhone, and with this we’ll be that much more inseparable 😀

  33. Manuel says:

    The INTERNET!!!

  34. I LOST? says:

    How did I lose? It’s on your guys head if I drop my iPhone or the battery dies.

  35. Jon P says:

    iced coffee

  36. Teegan says:

    My Macbook Pro

  37. BigBubba65 says:

    My Kegerator

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