Further evidence that Darth Vader invented the iPod
Extremely long-time readers may recall that I uncovered evidence that Darth Vader in fact invented the iPod.

(above: the iPod was conceived a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away¦)
Well, I uncovered further evidence while watching the season finale of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. As you can see, in the episode entitled “Hostage Crisis”, we can clearly see Anakin Skywalker (AKA Darth Vader lite) build an iPod nano out of spare parts.

OK, maybe this theory is a bit far-fetched, but you gotta admit it certainly makes more sense than Anakin building C3PO.
Really? Someone watched Clone Wars to the end ?
Oh! Am I the first one over here to admit you??? 😛
My 8 year old loves Clone Wars, so we watch it every Friday night.
I also watched all the episodes of Clone Wars and I think it’s a really good show….. 🙂
And some of my freinds watched all of the episodes too, so the answer is yes. 😀
Maybe, but the lizards from V “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V_(TV_series)” had some kind of iPod Nano