Games you SHOULD be playing: :Shift:
As we all know, I happen to live under a rock (for financial reasons) so somehow I missed hearing about the (apparently) popular online Flash game :Shift:. Well, the game has come to the iPhone (iTunes link :Shift: 99¢), and while I never heard of it before today, I can see why it has a loyal following.

What at first glance may appear to be a simple “run and jump” platformer is actually so much more creative and fun than that. :Shift: is actually more of a puzzle solving game, and it’s its unique controls that make it so fun. The goal of each level is to get to the exit (the door) while avoiding spikey hazards. To do this, you will need to occasionally “shift” (invert) the screen, causing the elements which were black to turn white, and the white ones to turn black. By alternately doing this, you can run and jump your way to the various parts of the board necessary to get to the exit. The idea of shifting may sound a little confusing, but check out the video below (taken from the Flash version) to see what I’m talking about.
The game has wonderfully simple black and white visuals (with an occasional splash of red when you mess up), as well as a great control scheme and overall sense of humor. Even if you are familiar with the Flash version of the game, there is reason to check out the iPhone version, as 25 new iPhone exclusive levels have been added.

If 99¢ is a little too much to part with based solely on my recommendation, then try out :Shift Lite:, the free version of :Shift: to get a feel for the gameplay. In either case, :Shift: is a game you should be playing now.