Skulls are cool - Macenstein

Skulls are cool

Faithful Macenstein reader Roger clued us in to a pretty cool T-Shirt that both Mac geeks and fans of dead people alike will love.

Not since Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney sat down together and wrote one of the worst songs in history have I beheld such a wonderful homage to racial harmony. (OK, so it has more to do with being bad-ass than getting along… but so what?)

It’s a classic skull design but made with the keys from an extended white Mac keyboard and the keys from the black keyboard from the original iMac (the one with the half sized F keys). I could say it depicts the obsolescence that all computer equipment faces, but really it’s just skulls make great tees! What Mac geek wouldn’t like to see a design featuring Mac keys, and only only closer inspection can you find the classic Apple command key.

I’m not sure I want people closely inspecting my stomach, but hey, until Mac keyboard boxer shorts with strategically placed “Command” keys appears, this will do.

You can find the tee here: in 22 colors, if you are so inclined.

One Response to “Skulls are cool”
  1. Vaid says:

    Stevie Wonder had no part in the composition of ‘Ebony & Ivory’. He was invited to sing on it by McCartney and that he did. However they did write a song together called “What’s That You’re Doing” which is a far better track.

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