Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (June 2009): Irina Voronina - Macenstein

Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (June 2009): Irina Voronina

Welcome to Macenstein‘s “Mac Chick of the Month”. Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we present you with the lovely Irina Voronina, a tech-obsessed actress/model from Hollywood California, who just happens to be a die-hard Mac Chick!

Photos by Joe Scarnici

Originally from Russia, Irina came to the US 8 years ago to become Playboy’s Miss January 2001. Irina’s career had soon taken off, she graced on many magazine covers and as of recent crossed over from modeling to the big screen. We’ve seen her in such films as “Reno 911: Miami!”, “Balls Of Fury”, “Epic Movie”, TV series “Saul Of the Mole Men” and “Supreme Court Of Comedy”. Her most recent films “The Casino Job” and “Strike” just came out on DVD as well.

Photos by Joe Scarnici

Photos by Joe Scarnici

“Growing up in Russia I didn’t know anything about Apple computers”, says Irina. “I was a straight “A” student in school, but I was always terrified of PC computers, because they would freeze on me on every test and I would end up with an “F”…”

Photos by Joe Scarnici

Photos by Joe Scarnici

“In 2001 I got a G3 iBook as a Birthday gift and my life has never been the same since! I was amazed at how user friendly my little Apple computer was, and most importantly how reliable! I fulled around with iPhoto and iMovie for a few months, but it didn’t me take long to learn in Photoshop, and Final Cut.”

Photos by Joe Scarnici

Photos by Joe Scarnici

“Now I am very proficient in CS4, I retouch all of my photos, create magazine lay outs, update my website all by myself. I just love my independence, where I am able to do everything in-house, without having to call any favors or having to pay $50 to take a blemish out.”

Photos by Joe Scarnici

“I can now call myself a complete Apple junkie with pride! I can not imagine where I would be without my Mac! I’ve been very happy with a Mac Book Pro with 2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor, but thinking about soon upgrading it to a newer model.”

Photos by Joe Scarnici

First Apple product you bought Apple iBook G3
Favorite Apple Gear My Mac Book Pro!
Favorite non-Apple Gear Is there such thing?
Favorite TV Shows TRUE BLOOD
Favorite Movies Pulp Fiction
Favorite Bands My Chemical Romance, Garbage, Linkin Park
Hobbies Computers and Cats
Pets 2 Cats: Koshi and Poofy

Photos by Joe Scarnici

Photos by Joe Scarnici

Irina told us that currently producing her own project, where hot girls will be covering newest gadgets in today’ s technology.

Photos by Joe Scarnici

Photos byJoe Scarnici
To see more of Irina, check her out at:

Do you think you or someone you know would make a great “Mac Chick of the Month”? Send us an e-mail, or check out our application guide here or on our MySpace page for details.

Due to popular demand, we are proud to offer a MCotM desktop wallpaper to enhance the beauty of YOUR Mac.

Click to download.

Click to download.

27 Responses to “Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (June 2009): Irina Voronina”
  1. Phil McKraken says:

    Holy Shit!

  2. eyerhyme says:

    one word…. yum!

  3. eNVy says:

    GREAT!!! Congrats!

  4. Clony3k says:

    Something telling me that its going to be a great month 😀

  5. Rowlings says:

    BEST… WALLPAPER… EVER… (the 2nd one, “shushing”)
    Nice work!

  6. Way Cool III says:

    Va Va Va voom!

  7. OlderNDirt says:

    OMG…They’ve cloned Angie Dickinson!!

  8. Craig says:

    I actually saw her on Reno 911 the other night! Nice get!

  9. BMOC says:


  10. Chenz says:

    You can tuck my apple under that melon anytime!

  11. booyaa says:

    google her name for nude pics of her

  12. Daniel says:

    I know you said you have trouble finding Mac girls but when you do, Yee Haw!
    Makes me proud to be a Mac & iPhone owner!

  13. erik says:

    did i miss the may mac chick? not complaining, because miss june is HOT, but just making sure i’m not getting old or something.

  14. Noé Gudiño says:

    I loved her on Saul of the Mole Men

  15. Joe Scarnici says:

    Love the photos if I do say so myself!!

  16. slappy says:

    The perks of having a Mac. Mac Chicks are simply hot. Go to an Apple store and you can see hot hot hot Mac women all over the place.

    Most other geek stores for Windows you see what? Slightly smaller Zune Guy ( he says he quit, but I don’t believe him ) types. Yeah I’d rather hang out at the Apple store. 🙂

    Oh and yeah Irina Voronina is Vroom vrooom hot!!

  17. Raul says:

    Amazing! Would love a desktop BG of the one w/ her wearing glasses… Oh snap that’s hot… 😀

  18. guy says:

    Yes, there is an Angie Dickinson likeness there.!
    BEautiful pics all around

  19. Imagine Engine says:

    In this Artist eyes she’s a stunning beauty that resembles a fine work of art 🙂

  20. Chicago_SC says:

    She’s seems hot but after seeing her on Fox Noise and after hearing her. Yeah she’s gross bigot! FAIL!

  21. Hermann says:

    Oh My… Irina’s shine blind me

  22. LazyNorthDakotan says:

    Irina just happens to be Miss January 2001 in Playboy, see her goods there!

  23. Dave Goldstein says:

    Huge tracts of land..

  24. pn says:

    When will be July and august???????????

  25. Tom Pale says:

    I think she is completely beautiful , i looked her up on devilfinder images, found some more provocative photos of her, wow.

  26. lian shi says:

    can anybody tell me where they made those photos,.the furnitures are so good. if you know please tell me :

  27. sasa says:

    one of the hottest woman on earth she has all nearly perfect the legs face brests feet hands eyes nose lips wow !!!

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