WOW. Bitter much? - Macenstein

WOW. Bitter much?

It’s not every game that gives you a window into the personal lives of the developer, but a quick read through the description of “The Girl Game“, and you get a pretty clear picture of a man who hasn’t had the best luck with women. In fact, he may not even know how many feet they have.

The object of The Girl Game is to buy as many SHOES as you can, using your boyfriend’s credit card! Experience the ultimately addictive combination of match 3 and shoe shopping.

Arrange the pairs of SHOES so there are 3 in a row to take them to the checkout. Watch out for sales where you can get SHOES for 25% or 50% off. Match 4 in a row to create a 75% off sale. Match 5 in a row to make a clearance sale where you get a whole row of shoes for free!

At the end of every round your boyfriend will get his paycheck and add funds to your credit card. Spend it all and the bank will reward you by increasing your credit limit! Think fast! If you don’t spend all your boyfriend’s money in time the bank will reduce your credit limit.

Hmmm… so. what’s a girl supposed to do with 3 shoes? I suppose she could always beat “her man” with it if he doesn’t bring home the money quick enough.

4 Responses to “WOW. Bitter much?”
  1. James W Lane says:

    Maybe you buy three incase you break a heel?

  2. Great story. Though I don’t think i have ever bought 3 shoes in a go. Maybe she is the true dumb blonde? If not maybe she thinks that shoes are good in threes you know where 2 on one foot?

  3. Daniel says:

    And Apple “OK-ed” this game?
    Not worried about anyone claiming that their sexist I see.

  4. toblo says:

    Well, they also have The Guy Game!

    @Dr: did you try The Guy Game? it sounds like fun, with fart sound effect 🙂

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