Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Rose McGowan - Macenstein

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Rose McGowan

Hey looks like Rose McGowan not only picked up a new iPhone, but she also apparently got a very realistic fake leg. You go girl!

Above: Rose’s new leg looks MUCH more natural than her old one (below)

[via UseMyComputer]

9 Responses to “Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Rose McGowan”
  1. Aurélien says:

    I used to like her, but now she looks a lot like Michael Jackson.

  2. crsrc says:

    are you sure thats her? wtf has she done to her face?

  3. Terry says:

    She’s a celebrity?

  4. Xero says:

    shes 2 damn skinny now, lost her great boobs as a result 2

  5. the_0ne says:

    Yeah, she looked much better back when she was with that whackjob Marilyn Manson…


  6. Xero says:

    well yea but if you can name a curvy woman who WOULDN’T look good is a Mesh dress LOL

  7. imajoebob says:

    First, in her defense, her face has changed mostly because she got a nasty gash on her right temple (from broken glass?). They did as best they could, but she lost a chunk of skin. I’m guessing they did both eyes to try and make it more symmetrical, but they had to match the damaged eye, and even the best plastic surgeons have their limitations. That’s why you rarely see her without sunglasses in public.

    On the other hand, she seems pleasant, but I don’t think she’s going to get a PhD anytime soon. Or an Oscar. She’s pretty fearless in the roles she takes, but she’s not exactly Meryl Streep. There have been times that I found watching Charmed more enjoyable with the sound off.

  8. BDD says:

    I used to want to hit it (not that I’d have any chance, mind you), but then she let Brian Warner (i.e. “Marilyn Manson”) do the deed on her. Yuk.

    Not to mention, her face now looks like a truck hit it.

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