I don’t know, call me skeptical, but…

Hopefully there’s a follow up book on how to WASH that money…
Author Dottie Randazzo’s new book How to Shit Money to Get an iPhone sounds interesting enough, however, I would imagine that depending on whether or not you are a current, under-contract AT&T customer, you might have to shit obscenely unhealthy amounts of money to get that iPhone. Hopefully there’s a “consult a physician“-type health warning somewhere on the back.
Its 169 pages long and this is part of the description:
“This thought provoking book will allow you to bring forth the beliefs that you created as a child regarding money. It is those beliefs that subconsciously control the flow of money in your life.”
Sounds like a book written by a lunatic.
It looks like Lulu.com is a self publishing service where anyone can pay them to sell their “book”.
She’s kind of attractive, assuming she’s the Dottie Randazzo on Facebook, but kind of umm, unconventional, judging by some of her other book titles:
How to Shit Money!
How to Escape an Abusive Relationship
When the Soul Cries
The Blue Girl
Gardening at Night
Oh, Dottie, you are so prolific. Call me.
Well it’s a good thing your shitting money and not iphones because if it was I would imagine a lot of people would be shitting bricks.