Macenstein’s Mac Chick-en of the Month July 2009: Leona Devi
Faithful Macenstein reader Simon writes: “I hatched this chick and it loves to sit on my PowerBook G4 as it is nice and warm. Do you think this counts as Mac Chick Of The Month?”
Well Simon, due to some unforeseen scheduling conflicts with Miss July, it just might have to… Good thing she’s cute!

• Name: Leona Devi
• Age: A week old
• Location: Norfolk, UK
• Occupation: None
• First Apple product you bought: I am still very young, but I do love the warmth you get from a PowerBook G4. I am sitting on an 867Mhz model in the picture and it is very toasty.
• Favorite Apple Gear: Besides the PowerBook G4, I do love the iPod Photo
• Favorite non-Apple Gear: I do love my heat lamp
• Favorite TV Shows: Anything except the adverts for KFC
• Favorite Movies: Chicken Run, it fills me with so much hope for the future
• Favorite Bands: Limp Bizkit, I do love rocking to that kind of thing
• Hobbies: Just chilling with the chicks
• Pets: Um… none… I’m only a week old
• Web site(s): I don’t have a website, but this would be a good place to put a shameless plug to

wtf ???
look at all those dock icons! how many are there?
Umm, a bit of jailbait at 1 week old isn’t she?
Great legs though.
Mouahahahaha !! xD
mmmmhh! yummie
Pretty but I enjoy longer, fuller legs myself…. sorry Leona. 🙂
Come on, Doc, where’s the wallpaper?!?!?!?
She is going to be so yummy when she grows up.
Hilarious. And submitted by myself.
She is HOT!
oh damn, i thought it was a girl
Pity no Mac Chick but at least you made a good joke out of it.
Just wait until she grows up. I’m gonna smear barbecue sauce all over her and go to town! Mmmm mmm!
This months mac chick is not all it’s cracked up to be..
mmmmmmmmmmmm Chicken……
dammit. i had the lube out and everything.
sexyyy ,,, ilike
Hahaha. That´s what happens when you don´t read completely “Mac chi….. ” and I had already pressed the button.
I assume the egg hatched using the heat from the PowerBook Incubation Unit. C’mon doc. Go down to your local Apple Store and recruit a MCOTM.
Love this Mac chick, she has sweet little wings – a purrfect angel….
Chicken MACnuggets.
Meh she’ll do………..fap fap fap………….
The Mac Chick of the Month is the only thing I have to look forward to. Thanks. Now I have to go kill myself.
thanks doc! this was a bit different, but good 🙂
“I’m not sleeping I just can’t open my eyes” Yuk yuk yuk
I think Dr MAC. that you should add the Curly quote of the month to your fine assortment of stuffs!
BTW, she’s got hot legs 🙂
I’m sure members are feeling a little cheated this month…
We normally get at lest “one” wallpaper of the Chick of The Month. LOL! 😉
best mac chick of the month ever!
you made my day, thanks
Dear Dr. Macenstein!
Where is the WALLPAPER! I’d love to have this mac chick on my desktop, but you haven’t provided the usual wallpaper download!
Please make this available!
How about a Chick with a Chick-en ?
Together being hot and playing on a PowerBook G4 ?
(The Chick-en could pose as a third boob)
I think we deserve 2 next month