Remind me again what apps Apple has banned?

Ooops I Crapped My Pants
An Original Classic!! Does exactly what you think it does. Laugh your stress away!
Hilarious Antics. This app will have you and your friends laughing for hours.
Poor guy, you know what’s about to happen to him, right?!?!
This app is a blast for kids and guys of all ages. Don’t miss out on the funniest app of the century. Great for those that appreciate a little humor below the belt.
This app was originally listed in the “LifeStyle” category, but has since moved to Entertainment. I’m not sure which is less disturbing…
Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Walter for the tip!
[dripping with sarcasm]
now that’s hilarious…
the actual joke here is apple’s app store acceptance process.
i fine that description very sexiest
I hope this app dies a quick death of anonymity under the weight of the thousands of better apps in the app store.
Dear Apple,
Sort your approval process out. No, seriously…
Kind regards,
Every developer. Ever.