Posted by Dr. Macenstein on Wednesday, July 8, 2009 · 7 Comments
[Original image via Tumblr]
Filed under Apple Fanboyism, Humor · Tagged with iPhone
hilarious… i wonder what the other hand says
He took taking that picture with his iphone. He just lacks attention.
You don’t want to know where his other hand is…
found his other hand… mhh…
i bet his other hand is a cat
His other hand is a Porsche…
His other hand says, “Using’s iPhone Locate feature, I’m coming to get you.”
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hilarious… i wonder what the other hand says
He took taking that picture with his iphone. He just lacks attention.
You don’t want to know where his other hand is…
found his other hand… mhh…
i bet his other hand is a cat
His other hand is a Porsche…
His other hand says, “Using’s iPhone Locate feature, I’m coming to get you.”