Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting Revisted: Christina Ricci
We’ve spotted Christina Ricci flying her Apple-fan-girl-flag before, but she just looks so cute here, I had to post this. (Plus I saw Black Snake Moan since then which totally changed my opinion of her hotness and obliterated any shreds of Wednesday from Addams Family Values that might have been lingering in my mind).
Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader KenseiDave for the link!
[via UseMyComputer]
i wonder what they’re saying about these pics on dietcokeenstein.com
Actually, they totally slammed her sandals. But Diet Coke fanatics are notoriously harsh when it comes to women’s footware.
– The Doc
Hell, she doesn’t have have her fingernails painted to match her toenails!
Ugh. Bangs on girls = trailer trash. At least in her case they cover her enormous forehead.
Jesus you guys sound like bitchy women! What do you care anyway?
Well I think she’s ever so cute. I have a crush on her since she played Wednesday.
*Yes Christina, you can use my MacBook, please do*
Ahh, yes, “Black Snake Moan” I know just what you mean. Umm Umm good 🙂