Windows 7 launch parties suddenly seem a lot more edgy - Macenstein

Windows 7 launch parties suddenly seem a lot more edgy

Remember that incredibly cheesy “Host You Own Windows 7 Launch Party” video Microsoft put out last month? No? Well, remember when you heard what sounded like thousands of confused people saying “WTF?” all at the same time? THAT was them watching it.

Anyway, Cabel Sasser — founder of Mac software maker Panic Inc, took that video, added a few well-placed “bleeps”, and suddenly it is looking more and more like a party I might actually want to attend. (Albeit, with 4 different people).

[via Mashable via Engadget]

4 Responses to “Windows 7 launch parties suddenly seem a lot more edgy”
  1. Chris M says:

    Most random video ever.

  2. Bryan says:

    That was bleeeeping awesome…

  3. biblezombie says:


    Wet my pants laughing. That was great!

  4. scrumples says:

    A genius video – hilarious!
    However, at the very end…
    “Are these guys nuts or what?”
    White guy point at only minority in the room.
    “Maybe by letting you be involved!”

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