This is why I never jailbreak my pumpkins - Macenstein

This is why I never jailbreak my pumpkins

Sure I love all the cool things I can do with a jailbroken pumpkin, but when things go wrong, they go horribly wrong. I resolved last year to stop jailbreaking my pumpkins, and this picture reminds me of exactly why I decided to suck it up and just make do with the firmware that ships natively with the fruit.

It takes roughly 2 hours to restore a 12 pound pumpkin via iTunes, and the 20 pound model takes up to 3 hours. It just isn’t worth it.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Glen for the link!

[via imgur]

5 Responses to “This is why I never jailbreak my pumpkins”
  1. Gringer says:


  2. Tom says:

    Pumpkin from hell.

  3. ryercakes says:

    DUDE! that’s my pumpkin!!

  4. aslickback says:

    kick a$$ 🙂 that rocks

  5. fizzy says:

    outta all of them on the iphone devs site is caught my eye as being the best!

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