I KNEW I should have married a cop - Macenstein

I KNEW I should have married a cop

Above: One of these things is not like the others…

Growing up, our town had a crazy old man in an overgrown house who always had a big hand-scrawled sign on his front lawn criticizing SOMEONE, from his next door neighbor to the president. Now THAT guy had balls. And fleas. THIS, however, just wreaks of nerdy cowardice.

4 Responses to “I KNEW I should have married a cop”
  1. Harneet Kalra says:

    I was once waiting for my seat outside a restaurant here in India and this place is in a residential location, so we’ve got small little houses nearby and I whip out my iPhone to check for email to find it asking me to connect to a network called ‘f**kthepolice’. This restaurant is stark in front of a police station on the opposite side of the road. Houses and station were equidistant. I wanted to walk up to both places to see higher bars before my name was called out.

  2. Daniel says:

    Trust me, I’ve seen worse on WiFi bans, T-shirts, bumper stickers…. those are my favorite, the bumper stickers. So when you do pull them over, you see them “remember” it. It’s a gift! Press hard, four copies. 😉

  3. Paul says:

    They do!! At least mine does!! haha

  4. fractured says:

    Isn’t it ballsy when they leave the network open?

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