Well, it’s cheaper than a waterproof case… - Macenstein

Well, it’s cheaper than a waterproof case…

Faithful German Macenstein reader Tim Schiller came across this listing on eBay for what can only be described as “THE must-have iPhone accessory of 2009”.

Above: Some good advice.

Apparently becoming frustrated after his wife’s SECOND iPhone-in-the-toilet mishap, this resourceful man created this brilliant “Do NOT put iPhone in Toilet” sign which has thus far reportedly been extremely successful.

“after my wife drowned her 2nd iphone in the toilet i have hang up this sign. Two two weeks passed without any ‘oh darling, my iphone just …'”

Luckily we can ALL benefit from this poor man’s misfortune and stop this accident before it happens in OUR homes. Depending on your spouse and how many liquids they consume, I would recommend at least one for each bathroom in your house, but there are only 8 available, so get your order in now!

3 Responses to “Well, it’s cheaper than a waterproof case…”
  1. Daniel says:

    Or just line the bowel with cargo netting! making sure the openings
    are to small for an iPhone to pass but large enough for bio-waste too.

    Simpler yet, marry someone who’s potty trained enough that can do
    two things at once. 😉

  2. Tice says:

    As far as I know there was an aticle about how many mobile phone get flushed in the UK – an amazing number btw. So jep, that may is a goog way to reduze that. ; )

  3. Obama Pacman says:

    Maybe someone should make iPhone lanyards for people like these?

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