Reasonable-looking Apple tablet pics surface - Macenstein

Reasonable-looking Apple tablet pics surface

As usual, pics of Apple’s top secret device have surfaced exactly 4 hours before the official unveiling. An Engadget tipster has sent out what appear to be pretty convincing shots of an Apple Tablet-like device, bolted to a table (presumably to prevent this sneaky shutterbug from stealing it outright).

iPad Apple tablet

Note the front-facing camera, and “no carrier” label at the top, in line with rumors of a Verizon wireless contract and video chat. Four more hours…

2 Responses to “Reasonable-looking Apple tablet pics surface”
  1. Matthew "mad102190" Davis says:

    oooh these look real 😉

  2. Jonro says:

    This could not be real, because I do not feel like I’ve seen the face of God or have a feeling of intense bliss.

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