“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 10 – Aerobics Pack+ NW for Nintendo Wii - Macenstein

“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 10 – Aerobics Pack+ NW for Nintendo Wii

This contest is closed. Congrats to faithful Macenstein reader Gregg.

On the Tenth Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) a Thrustmaster Aerobics Pack+ NW for fitness games such as WiiFit Plus, Wiifit (Nintendo), Active (EA), U Shape, My Fitness Coach (Ubisoft) and more!

Aerobics Pack+ NW

“What the–?!?”, I hear you say. What’s this got to do with Apple? Well, nothing, actually, but we figured a bunch of you likely own the Wii, and a bunch of you likely packed on a few pounds this holiday season, so it’s time you got off your butts and started using your Wii Fits. Here’s what’s included:

1 stepper for the Wii™ Balance Board™* – place the stepper under the Wii™ Balance Board™* and add steps to your training routine!
1 floor mat – 1.80 m x 0.5 m x 0.05 m, made from woven foam, for exercising on the floor
1 pedometer – count your steps during your game-driven routines and during your “outdoor” training sessions
* Remote Controllers sold separately

Please note, this is a “bring your own Wii Fit” deal.

To enter: Since the Thrustmaster Aerobics Pack is all about losing weight, leave us a comment telling us how far from your goal weight (over OR under) are you?. Winners will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to all readers world wide. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!

171 Responses to ““The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 10 – Aerobics Pack+ NW for Nintendo Wii”
  1. Frederic says:

    My healthy weight is 132 – 178 pounds and I’m at about 140. I want to gain some muscle, so that is what I’m working on.

  2. Sean says:

    15lbs over

  3. J McLain says:

    After losing 32, I still have that difficult last 5 to go.

  4. Matthew Smith says:

    I feel fine with my weight.

  5. Ricardo Giesta says:

    I’m 10 Kg over…

  6. Xero says:

    something like 80-100 roughly

  7. Nick says:

    About 20 lbs under…

  8. Tom Ross says:

    15 pounds heavy, but working on it

  9. Marlon Callejas says:

    About 10 before more 5 from the holidays… Will be 15 pounds to go from me 🙁

  10. fractured says:

    I’m about 15 pounds over my goal weight.

  11. Matt says:

    15 lbs. over.

  12. Kevin says:

    I hate exercising , and if I win this I will try to Blend it.

  13. Eric says:

    25 lbs over.

  14. Robert says:

    I’m about 7 lbs over my goal.

  15. Richard says:

    Personally I’m about 20 pounds under my statistically ‘normal’ weight, but this would be more for my boyfriend, to whom I gave a Wii and Wii Fit last Christmas. He claims to be about 30 pounds overweight but I just like to think he’s carrying our baby ;-). No, I just don’t really see it, but I’d like for him to be happy and to use something like this than the crazy weightloss drinks and potions he sometimes uses. Thanks.

  16. Mark Peck says:

    60lbs over, but getting there!

  17. Rich says:

    29 over

  18. hdj says:

    Believe it or not, I’m write on target. Although losing another 5 lbs would be great. Plus, don’t want to gain too much!

  19. Mel says:

    I just recently got on point to my weight I want to be at.

  20. michael says:

    22 lbs over but working my way down, this package would be a nice change up in the routine.

  21. AT says:

    I still need to lose ten kilos.

  22. Bob says:

    40 lbs

  23. jennek says:

    I am only a few weeks away from my perfect weight – for the last 10 years or so

  24. Russ says:

    Already have lost 70lbs, about another 50 – 60 to go. Lots of bike riding baby, but should break out the wii fit during the winter.

  25. I’m perfect, as is everyone. Unless your weight affects daily life, stop worrying purely based on physical appearance. When you can’t breathe using the stairs, then you can worry.

  26. Ian Sterne says:

    25lb over.

  27. Nick says:

    I still have an extra 25 pounds I would like to get rid of and maybe this aerobics pack is just the thing to help motivate me to dust off the Wii.

  28. Dan says:

    Probably about 20

  29. Sigurdur says:

    15 lbs under

  30. Peter Murray says:

    5lbs would be good for me.

  31. Stephanie says:

    My current BMI is 55. I am getting a Wii for my B-day that is coming up. This would truly help with my current battle. 😀

  32. David Scudder says:

    70 pounds would make me happy

  33. Cam says:

    10kg over

  34. Justin Davidson says:

    Im at 230 but the Army wants me at 200. So i have to lose 30 lbs

  35. Roy Brooks says:

    8 Kg over!!

  36. Rudy says:

    40 lbs over at 245 lbs. Gotta move my behind…

  37. Marc says:

    I am currently 15 pounds UNDER my goal weight (currently 128lbs, BMI 18.4). Stomach disorder, so my record low was a frightening 108 lbs.

  38. keith j says:

    10 lbs over, though i’d like to replace it with some of those mario muscles.

  39. Sigh. I need to lose about 50 to be svelt

  40. Thom says:

    30 Over… Drinking a large soda to see if it helps.

  41. James L says:

    Oh lets just go with 15 lbs. and see where that gets me.

  42. regularg0nz0 says:

    I try to to remain no more than 30 yards from my goal at all times.

  43. John-Michael Vasquez says:

    bout 20 over

  44. Pep says:

    Passing AFPT!

  45. Brian Wilcox says:

    Could really lose about 25lbs and just got a Wii for Christmas. Perfect. Pick me, Pick me…

  46. Sam T says:

    About 4lbs

  47. Andrew K says:

    15 Kg


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