“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 21 – A DIY delight: USB Drive enclosure and Tools - Macenstein

“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 21 – A DIY delight: USB Drive enclosure and Tools

This contest is closed. Congrats to faithful Macenstein reader Connor.

On the Twenty First Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) an OWC Express USB drive enclosure and a NewerTech 11-Piece Portable Toolkit to help you build it!

Yes, there’s nothing quite like the geeky satisfaction that comes from building your own stuff. Sure, it usually doesn’t work as well, isn’t as sturdy, and ultimately often costs you more than the store-bought version, but building your own gear makes you appear smart to your friends, and you can’t put a price on that!

OWC USB drive enclosure

Note: You don’t get the mouse, I thin it’s just there for scale purposes.

So to that end we have two geeky items up for grabs today to help you get started on your way to DIY geekdom. First up we have the OWC Express 2.5″ Portable USB 2.0 Enclosure for SATA NoteBook HDs, an easy DIY project that will help you add portable, USB-powered storage to your Mac.

Add a 2.5″ drive from an upgrade or build your own with a new drive. Pocket-sized USB bus powered ventilated enclosure for 2.5″ drives. Offering the ultimate combination of style and value in portable data storage and backup.

Newertech tool kit

Of course, no TRUE Do-It-Yourselfer would be caught dead without a spudger, and we’ve got you covered there too! Behold the The Newer Technology 11-Piece Portable Toolkit

Toolkit Contains:
Straight Blade 1.8mm
Straight Blade 3.0mm
Phillips #00
Phillips #2
Torx T6
Torx T8
Torx T10
Scissor Clamp
(2) Nylon Pry Tools (aka “Spudgers”)*

To enter: There’s nothing quite like the satisfaction that comes from building your own stuff. So to enter, leave us a comment telling us “What’s the best thing you’ve ever made? (without help)” Did you build your own computer or hovercraft? Or is the best thing you ever made that slopey, misshapen coil pot in 1st grade for Mother’s Day? Winners will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to ALL readers WORLD-WIDE. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!

248 Responses to ““The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 21 – A DIY delight: USB Drive enclosure and Tools”
  1. Back in the 1980s, I made a computer & terminal. Used them for several years.

  2. A remote-controlled model airplane that was pretty badass.

  3. Ed A says:

    Best things are my two sons and daughter. Oh wait, that was with help of my wife.

    I guess then I would say I took my Etymotic ER-6i that had a messed up cable. I soldered the earpieces to the Apple iPhone earphone cable. Now I have the great sound of the ER-6i with the microphone and click control of the standard iPhone earphones.

  4. Alexis says:

    Wooden desk for my iMac 🙂 Fits perfectly in my living room

  5. asiej says:

    when I was 5 I draw mushroom and win first prize

  6. Mikko says:

    The “coolest” was a DIY warning sign student drivers are supposed to have hear in Finland. It’s an all-white 20 cm high triangle usually taped/glued/magnetically stuck on your trunk to say you’re having driving lessons, watch out. Our car didn’t have enough space for a magnetic one so I made one which could be fitted onto the trailer hitch.

  7. mpeterke says:

    I assembled a chair plus two cupboards all by myself…

  8. Mr. Story says:

    The best thing I’ve ever made?
    A side-scrolling computer game.

  9. the first blanket I ever crocheted

  10. Daniel says:

    Definitely my kitchen table. That thing might be made out of deck lumber, but it’s solid as a rock.

  11. Billy says:

    My MIND, I have MADE up my MIND.

  12. Charlie says:

    a roasted chicken

  13. Mark says:

    A lot of money in Apple stock since it traded at $14.

  14. criest says:

    give my girlfriend puzzle photo of us in new year eve !!! it’s really nice !!! and the thing is ” I did it by myself !!! alone !! only for her !!! ” yeahhhhhh Thanks !!!

  15. lizborden says:

    A Media Server

  16. A Coffin Case for my bagpipes. It’s cut from a Coffin Case for a guitar amp head. Though I’m thinking of reupholstering it with red crushed velvet and dumping the emerald.

  17. regularg0nz0 says:

    The best thing I’ve ever made was a mistake.

  18. crommatrixx says:

    a lighted end table out of 2 G5 shells

  19. A sugar cookie house for my girlfriend’s family, because she is allergic to cinnamon. Pro baker Skippy, at your service.

  20. Steve says:

    a lego model of the Space Shuttle

  21. Sidney says:

    Nothing yet, sadly 🙁

    Hoping this DIY will change that!

  22. Matthew Smith says:

    I’ve made a lot of music in my life!

  23. It was a electronic circuit that gave the La (A) sound for tuning a piano, guitar, etc.

  24. Tim says:

    A second story on my house.

  25. imajoebob says:

    A complete mess of my life

  26. anthony Romulo Pavia says:

    a paper airplane… or paella… hmmm i guess the paella

  27. Philip says:

    ’73 Corvette. More of a repair than a ‘create’ – but all the same…

  28. Dreamer says:


  29. Taylor says:

    A clear plastic pig with blinking LEDs inside.

  30. HardCharger says:

    My kitchen.

  31. TJ says:

    I built a Spaceship with found objects

  32. johann smith says:

    my crooked picket fence, and I still haven’t got around to painting it 🙂

  33. Claire says:

    A giant clay bowl

  34. A. Emre Ünal says:

    A giant spaceship from Legos 😀

  35. David says:

    I built a small wooden stool =)

  36. Andrew says:

    Entertainment center and desk

  37. SniderVX says:

    The front porch!

  38. Macgyyver says:

    stencilled canvas re-useable bags for all my friends and family. Or was it the padded photo albums. Hmm. We’ll never know for sure.

  39. Chris says:

    I have built my own computer in the past. I have also made a built-in-book case and cabinet for my son’s room.

  40. Chris says:

    One of those crystal radios. I don’t know if it’s the BEST thing I’ve ever built, but I remember it was pretty sweet.

  41. Matt says:

    I built a PC about … 11 years ago.

  42. imajoebob says:

    A mistake. But it was an impressively BIG mistake.

  43. Leif Johnson says:

    A nice workbench for the garage that was nicer than most of our furniture.

  44. Nigel says:

    A digital dice using 7400 basic chips, no 7seg decoder, and candy stripe caps

  45. David says:

    A complete pool/spa computer controlled eco-system

  46. mestre says:

    oh, there are so, so many half-finished . . .
    the toy storage in my son’s room is pretty neat – you can’t beat a bit of woodwork

  47. Keith Higgins says:

    A dollhouse for my daughter


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