“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 26 – Darth Vader Unmasked Mimobot
This contest is closed. Congrats to faithful Macenstein reader Alex D.
On the Twenty-Sixth Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) A Darth Vader MIMOBOT!

Yes, everyone loves MIMOBOTS, those super cool USB2 thumb drives that not only make moving data fun, but also let the world know you can’t let go of your childhood (I’ve personally got a Domo and a StormTrooper model). Not only will the 4GB Darth Vader Unmasked Mimobot will help keep your battle station plans safe from Bothan spies, but 1 in every 6 comes in the extremely rare “Classic” (ie, pasty Gray) Vader! So you never know which one you might get!
To enter: simply leave us a comment below letting us know who is the most bad-ass FICTIONAL villian of all time?. Winner will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to all readers world-wide. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!
I’mma have to go with Pat Bateman from American Psycho, while he is technically the hero of the story he makes one bad ass villian
Darth Vader of course.
Darth Vader! Who else?!
In terms of sheer badass-ery, Agent Smith takes it for me. The Matrix is still one of my favorite films of all time.
Darth Vader isn’t a badass, he’s just THE man with the big black helmet…
A real badass would be Drill Sergeant Hartmann from Kubrick’s masterpiece “Ful Metal Jacket”…
i think the Joker from batman, just how demented and pure evil he is is awesome.
Lex Luthor
Ahh-nold from the original Terminator. He started kicking ass buck-naked, for christsake!
Yeah, Agent Smith and that scary, wet chick from The Ring would be my choices for #2 and #3.
VAder wasn’t the villain he was a victim the Villian in star wars was Darth SIdious BUT he isn’t very bad ass so i gotta give it to…Dupont From Equilibrium
same level of evil as the emperor since he’s the man in charge but he rocks the GunKata (gun-Fu)
Darth Vader
Architect of the Matrix!
Darth Vader
Darth Caedus
Hmmm, Morgoth Bauglir.
Shredder (from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles).
Chuck Norris
JOKER from Batman The Dark Knight
Vader, end of.
The operative(Serenity)
Cigarette Smoking Man from The X-Files
The Eddorians. Where most bad guys set out to conquer some tiny fraction of the galaxy, and the bad guy wanting the to conquer the whole thing is exceptional, the Eddorians destroyed entire galaxies as collateral damage.
Darth Vader. Q.E.D.
Lex Luthor!
Yup, Darth Vader…..
Jafar from Aladdin
the joker! he is wicked!
Steve Ballmer. More evil than Krampus.
Darth vader
Cthulhu, who/what else?
Mr. Vader
grand moff tarkin. destroying a whole planet to make a point.
Dick Dastardly
Freddy Kruger from “A Nightmare on Elm st.”. He was a bad ass!
LOL on Lex Luthor…

I’m currently rewatching all the adventures of Lois & Clark…
Max Cady
Spongebob’s Plankton!!
Hell yeah! Darth Vader!
lex luthor. Though Clark is lying him, Lex should be understanding.
The Joker
The Borg (pre-VOY)
The Jew Hunter.
…unquestionably Lord Vader himself…
I have to concur on Darth Vader. Not only is he a villain, but turns out he is able to redeem himself. The kicker is, the whole Star Wars is about him, not Luke Skywalker. Now that’s some villain.
Jules Winnfield
Uh. It would definitely be wallowetz’s mother from Big Bang Theory.
Jeff Vader
Boris and Natalia