“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 35 – A Konnet Reflex Dock - Macenstein

“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 35 – A Konnet Reflex Dock

This contest is closed. Congrats to faithful Macenstein reader John.

On the Thirty-Fifth Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) A Konnet Reflex Dock!

I’ve actually been testing out Konnet’s candy-like iCrado, the lower-end version of the Reflex Dock, and I’m pretty sure you’re going to love it –especially if you are into iPhone alarm clock apps, as I am.

Stylish Docking to charge your iPhone / iPod
– All-in-1 Docking: Charging, Data Transmission, Audio / Video output
– Advanced Reflex Design to Enhance the Speaker Quality and Mic Reception while using iPhone
– Sync important files with your PC/MAC through the USB connection
– Connection to external Audio Equipment through the Audio Output Jack
– Compatible with all current iPod / iPhone models
– Unique custom design enables charging/docking without removing most cases
– Includes Audio cable

No, you don’t get the big stereo thing.

To enter: Speaking of alarm clock apps, we’d like to know, how many hours of sleep do you usually get a night? (Mon-Fri) Winners will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to ALL READERS WORLD-WIDE. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!

250 Responses to ““The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 35 – A Konnet Reflex Dock”
  1. crommatrixx says:

    at least 8

  2. regularg0nz0 says:

    every single one that I’m asleep, I sleep.

  3. Gaurav Raul says:

    6 hours of sleep!

  4. Rick Nunn says:

    4 or 5 if I am lucky… 🙁

    Please somebody kill me!

  5. 4-6 … maybe less sometimes 😛

  6. criest says:

    1 am

  7. Ned says:

    Just under 8 🙂

  8. Bobby Spangler says:


  9. Dave D says:

    Around 7.

  10. Matt says:

    6 on average

  11. Skip says:

    6 or 7 if I’m lucky

  12. Marlon says:

    6 around… and on Friday less than that xD

  13. Josh says:

    4-5 I probably have insomnia. It is funny I never get sick either. The germs probably can’t survive in my body. haha

  14. gordon says:

    6 usually 7 on saturdays

  15. Mandie says:

    Depends on the night…. Between 2 and 6 usually!

  16. Matt W says:

    I can’t seem to get more than four hours a night. My MacBook Pro keeps me company. heh.

  17. Alan says:

    at the moment about 10….but i’m on holiday…usually 5-7 h per night…

  18. Darren says:

    6 hours and 7 minutes on average

  19. Brian Wilcox says:


  20. James says:

    About 6 to 7

  21. Steven Grimes says:

    6 – 7

  22. Denise Kielce says:


  23. Taylor says:


  24. lieb says:

    8 hours

  25. H. says:

    Usually 6-8.

  26. Scott says:

    Usually about 6 hours.

  27. Ferdi says:

    Yeah… by my alarm clock 6-7 hours.. but then i’m tiered all day long. So usually i cant stand up an sleep up to 10 hours.. 🙂

  28. stinkyboy says:

    Working at home rules, so including my daily nap I get around 10-11 hours of sleep.

  29. Pat Stark says:

    Summer 6-7
    Winter 7-8

  30. Ryan says:

    6 or 7 hours, if I’m lucky.

  31. Travis Schiebel says:

    4-6 hrs

  32. Monica says:

    never enough! 6

  33. Scratic says:

    *in crappy transylvanian accent* eleventy! eleventy hours of sleep! AH AH AH

  34. Miles says:

    5-6 hours….sadly

  35. 6, but I wish it was more.

  36. Anywhere from 6 to 8.

  37. Nathan D says:

    I get seven hours of sleep a night.

  38. Gage says:

    7-8 when the kids aren’t keeping me up

  39. Brandon says:

    small kids – not much. 6 total, but not in a row.

  40. Gabriel says:

    about 5… i know i should get more

  41. merry prankster says:


  42. Brian Lindsay says:

    Well, I never have, and I think I never will have a set sleep schedule. One night it may only be 3 hours with the next being 12. Plus, some how, even though I have 4 different alarms set on my iphone I ALWAYS over sleep. I am tired. I am gonna go back to bed now. gn8

  43. JESPER says:

    6 hours or less..


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