You can’t hide behind your iPhone forever, Steve! - Macenstein

You can’t hide behind your iPhone forever, Steve!

What I love about this video is that even if Steve was this big a dick, he still comes off as lovable. Kind of like South Park’s Saddam Hussein character.

SuperNews! Gates vs. Jobs II

Current TV | MySpace Video

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Matt for the link!

8 Responses to “You can’t hide behind your iPhone forever, Steve!”
  1. Lol! This is pretty good!

  2. Ed A says:

    This doesn’t play on my iPhone.

  3. darrell says:

    i enjoyed that. and we need more references to the Rocky III freeze frame ending

  4. Rob says:

    Pretty funny…think they should have had Al Gore on there…

  5. JD says:

    2 things that I have to say: I’ve enjoyed your feed for years, but am tired of having to directly visit your site for the full story instead of being able to view it through my rss reader. This wouldn’t be quite so bad if your site wasn’t a pain to load over edge. Even over 3G it’s not fast. Second, being an Apple centric news website, one would think to expect a large amount of visitors to be apple fans, many owning iPhones and using those iPhones to view your blog. So, why post videos that we can’t even watch?

  6. Sam says:

    I think one of the funniest things for me was that Halo was originally going to be a Mac game.

  7. Guillermo says:

    Hahaha LOL I love when he say’s there’s an app for that XP

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