Enter our “What Will Steve Call His Book?” Sweepstakes!
This contest is closed. Congrats to faithful Macenstein reader Dr. Who who won with his entry of “One More Thing…”
With news that the notoriously private Steve Steve jobs has hired former managing editor of Time magazine Walter Isaacson to write his official autobiography, one can only wonder what Steve’s masterpiece will be titled. Will it be something cutesy, with an “i” in the front, like “iLife”, or “iAm So Rich”? Or something more obvious like “Why I’m so Awesome” or “I Will Eat Google’s Lunch”?
(Whatever it’s called, odds are the book will physically LOOK better than other CEO autobiographies and cost roughly 50% more.)
While one can never guess what Steve will do next, we’ve decided to let YOU try to help him out by coming up with the ultimate title for his book. Leave us a comment with your best ideas, funny or serious. We’ll pick our top 5 or 10 entries and put it them up for a reader poll. Enter as often as you’d like. Winner will receive a $50 iTunes gift certificate. The contest is open to everyone in the US (sorry, iTunes won’t let us buy gift certificates to non-US accounts), and runs until Friday (March 5th) at 11:59PM EST.
What the economy needs today – iJobs
@Colin i like the idea of the title being ? (the apple logo incase it didn’t work) wish i’d thought of that
i, Genius
“I’m Bigger than Jesus”
I Did it My Way
8 easy steps to getting on the top of the organ receiver list
Come on, you know it’s going to be “Insanely Great”.
How iPadded my wallet?
“Just One More Thing”
“One More Thing – The Biography of Steve Jobs”
“Steve Jobs”
Apple Seed
1) Namaste
2) iSteve
3) I Invented The Friggin’ iPhone, Have You Heard Of It?
4) iWork, iLife, iMac
5) iBook Pro
Jobs for Dummies
Steve Jobs : Better and Better and Better
Jobs to Jobless to Revolution.
iCame, iSaw, iRevolutionized
The Trust Steve.
The Steve
The Jobs
The iBook
iCon of the Century
Pixar and Apple.
My Book.
Self titled possibly?
Steve Jobs
I think that’s about it. Or maybe it’ll be so epic it won’t even have a name! It’ll just be white with a black apple logo.
iWoz and Now iAm
“Book of Jobs – They misspelled my name in the bible”
i Did It Job’s Way (Frank Sinatra – I Did It My Way)
“I Ate The Worm From the Apple – And Survived”
The man in black turtle neck and blue denim
“It sucks, make it better”
Death to Conventional Thinking
I don’t care if you like me, you’ll love me in the end
Customers aren’t stupid and neither am I
Rogue Genius
Mr. Apple
I’m Worth It
Steve Jobs–Chapter 1
The Apple Tree
If I Write it, You Will Buy It
The Apple Byte
Jobs Had A Job
I Fertilized The Apple Tree
Why Microsoft Hates Me
I Did It Right The First Time
i’M Just Beginning (small i is intentional)
Apple a Day
“With news that the notoriously private Steve Steve jobs has hired former managing editor of Time magazine Walter Isaacson…”
He hired him? This is must be a Macenstein exclusive because even the New York Times is reporting that Jobs is co-operating with a project that’s Isaacson’s. No one else is reporting that Isaacson is working for Steve.
No doubt about it:
Think Different.
Steve Jobs: A Life Well Designed
Thank you Xerox/PARC
Apples to Apples-
iNever Quit
Reality Shift
No Way But The “Jobs” Way or Anything you can do I can do better
How do you like them Apples?
Hello World
Jobs classic
My Back Pages
Please Please Me
Baby, You’re a Rich Man
My New Liver Makes Me Shiver
(an autobiography told in the style of Dr Seuss)
1. iDid
2. The Tao of Steve
3. How to make a WIMP computer and still look cool doing it.
i,Jobs (comma is important)
iCame, iSaw, iApple
The Biography of Steve Jobs