Miss District of Columbia hearts her iPhone - Macenstein

Miss District of Columbia hearts her iPhone

OK, sure it isn’t a “real” state, but as anyone who’s ever been mugged there knows, Washington DC is somehow able to cram a state’s worth of criminals and homeless into its 61.4 square miles, making it feel roughly as large as Delaware. And as such, DC has achieved the dream long held by American Samoa, Guam and Minor US Outlying Islands – it gets to send a chick to the Miss USA pageant.

Now, as most of you know, I have every Miss USA pageant since 1984 on tape, but for me, Miss District of Columbia 2009, Jen Corey, really stands out. Why? Well, take a look at what she chose to talk about in her video profile.

Now, I have no idea whether the makers of “Fake Caller” slipped Jen a couple of bucks to plug their app or not, but given that I’m pretty sure I was the only one watching Miss USA this year, it might have been cheaper for them to just send me an e-mail about it.

6 Responses to “Miss District of Columbia hearts her iPhone”
  1. Jerry says:

    Now, if you could get her to be MacChick month that would be nice!!

  2. Jerry S. says:

    “hearts her iPhone”? Sounds like “hurts” for any non-native english speakers.

  3. Damien says:

    Was the DC bashing really needed? It isn’t that bad!

  4. Deckard says:

    This story is the tip of the ice about what is going on in DC.
    I lived in Georgetown for many years and there was the street corner homeless guy that I used to support (arrange for him to wash the cars for money and more).
    One winter day I walked by him and he got a phone call and he pulled a Blackberry from his pocket. A BLACKBERRY. I didn’t have Blackberry in those days.
    This is DC. Amazing City.

  5. Sofia says:

    Hi! Just FYI ~ This was the Miss America pagent and not the Miss USA pagent. They are both relatively different…Miss America places more attention to education, volunteer work and charity; Miss USA is run by Donald Trump and also is on network TV πŸ™‚ (Miss America was relagated to being on TLC)

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