Aww crap, and my birthday just passed… - Macenstein

Aww crap, and my birthday just passed…

Each year people ask me what I want for my birthday, and each year I can’t think of anything that I want that costs less than $300, so I get nothing. Yet take a look at these kick-ass iPhone app icon Refrigerator magnets!

At only $12.99 they would have made the perfect gift! … if only I had a black refrigerator… which I guess bumps the price up by at least $800… so once again I get nothing.

[via Jailbreak Toys via SlashGear]

9 Responses to “Aww crap, and my birthday just passed…”
  1. Jonro says:

    Seriously cool!

  2. Dan says:

    Why not roll/sponge-brush on some black paint on your fridge? You can already use paintable chrome to do it, so why not find some decent black paint? While you’re at it, maybe you can paint the sides of your fridge and fridge doors with that paint-on chrome? Of course, that stuff isn’t cheap…

  3. Dan says:

    Also, how long before apple calls foul on the copyright infringement of its app symbols?

  4. Daniel says:

    With the release of iPad, the big iPhone, maybe they could forgive copyright infringement this time. 😉

  5. darrell says:

    @Daniel & Dan – can you copyright an icon as ubiquitous as, say an envelope? i can see apple copyrighting the app store, itunes or safari icons but not an iCal icon…

    these magnets are pretty neat – but i hope they are bigger than the actual sizes of the iPhone icons. all of my 2009 Income Taxes are on my fridge right now attached by magnets. magnetic strength is vital!

  6. Keep note doc: My birthday is on 20th October.

  7. Alex says:

    coming soon from apple: the iFridge, surf the web or check your email with a HUGE touch screen display…all while going for a midnight snack.

  8. xero says:

    can always get a Black dry erase board

  9. Joe Schuller says:

    Grab some at the end of next month (this months supply has already been scarfed up! They are .75″ square, very well done, but probably won’t hold up anything bigger than a 1040 EZ.

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