Steve Jobs cheese head probably tastes AMAZING, INCREDIBLE, and MAGICAL
…Or gross. There IS a lot of pepper on that beard…
When Ken over at The Cook’s Den needed something special to spice up his iPad launch party, his thoughts naturally turned to carving Steve Jobs’ head out of cheese.

Above: Much like the iPad, Steve’s “Magically” delicious!
A self-described Apple fanboy, Ken has not only graciously posted instructions on how you too can carve your own Steve Jobs cheesehead, but he’s also detailed 3 different recipes that will surely make your guests’ heads go “BOOM!”

My only question is, isn’t it a little early to be making food for a launch party nearly 3 weeks away? What”s the shelf life of a Steve Jobs cheese head? I know I’m not making my Strawberry Woz Pie until April 2nd.
Oh, how appetizing — not!
Haha Doc, I think you worked in all the Stevenotes magical words.
OK… although this guy is a great sculpter… and he captured the essence of our beloved “Steve”… this is just plain CREEPY! LOL.
Well, now when Google and Adobe refer to “The Steve” as a cheesehead… how can it be denied?
How could you eat God’s head???
Someone has way too much time on their hands.