ATTENTION DEVELOPERS: Let me promote your app FOR FREE!

Because of my firm belief that you can never be spread too thin, I am looking into starting yet another side business. And while my other attempts at income (male model, retired millionaire) have proven somewhat less than successful, this one might actually have some legs, assuming I don’t get bored. I’m looking to create promotional video trailers for games and apps designed for the iPhone and iPad, and the good news is, I’m willing to do the first couple FOR FREE to build up a little street cred, as well as see if the whole thing is too time consuming to be worth it. I’ve seen tons of these trailers before, most of which blow, and I am confident I can make videos of equal to slightly above equal quality.
So if you’re a developer looking for an extra bit of promotion and have an app you think would benefit from a “movie trailer”-like treatment, or even just a “How To” sort of walk through, send me a link to your app and what you’re thinking. Ideally an app with some visual coolness and/or a sense of humor would be preferable, so as to give me something to work with, but I’ll entertain all offers. (Zombies are never a bad thing).
And as for my credentials, well, let’s just say I rock the house in After Effects, and you have nothing to lose anyway, you cheap bastard.
Will we finally hear what your voice sounds like?
Probbably not because Gordon Freemen never spoke in any of the Half-Life games. (To understand the joke:
I don’t plan on it. I am envisioning short, graphics/music sfx only things, with text. I’m not a professional VO guy, and while I have access to them (I work for a production company) they’d add about $1000 to any budget, and I’m thinking of keeping these under 30 seconds, get the feel of the game, generate excitement/interest, and get out.
– The Doc
You should do something for the Zombie Smash guys. That game rocks!
What production company? Link? What do you do? (Just interested – I’m in the same line of work…)