OH it’s ON!!! Bill Gates shares his outrageous opinions on the iPad! - Macenstein

OH it’s ON!!! Bill Gates shares his outrageous opinions on the iPad!

Hold on to your hats folks, Bill Gates has broken his silence on the iPad and what he has to say is going to BLOW… YOUR… MIND. I don’t want to ruin it for you, but it rhymes with “No comment”.


So why is it Bill Gates can’t actually give his opinion on anything? If I were Bill Gates I’d be out there giving my opinion on everything from Dancing with the Stars to the size of Heidi Montag’s new boobs, and I’d sure as hell have an opinion about a competitor’s tech gadget that has dominated the news for nearly 3 months. Now that he’s semi retired and doesn’t have to tow the company line, this is Bill’s big chance to develop a personality, and he’s blowing it. Although I suppose once you’ve publicly predicted everything from OS X to the iPod to the iPhone will fail, you eventually learn to just keep those sound bites to yourself.

And actually now that I think about it, if I were Bill Gates odds are I’d be too busy swimming around in my Scrooge McDuck-style money bin to do interviews anyhow. (Although I probably would still have an opinion on Heidi’s boobs).

[Boston Globe]

13 Responses to “OH it’s ON!!! Bill Gates shares his outrageous opinions on the iPad!”
  1. Rowlings says:

    My God, he looks like he’s melting. Time to take some calcium pills or something.

  2. Trauncher says:

    Sending this from an iPad. Gates is right. Yawn. No camera, no flash, the list is too ling to go into here. It plays movies nicely.. But the hp slate demolishes the iPad in Every way.

    So far, iPad is good for movies, and 20% of the web. Games get old quickly, and iWork apps are totally lame…. On any platform.

  3. Renee says:

    hmmmm… what rhymes with “no comment”….

    how about “I think I’ll VOMIT!”

    Thanks for nothing, Bill.

  4. ObamaPacman says:

    Bill Gates doesn’t know what to say, because there are no PR people feeding him vaporware lines.

  5. Jonro says:

    I think that it’s more an issue of Bill Gates being focused on curing malaria and other important world issues and someone asks him about the iPad. It’s so non-tangential to his life that he probably hasn’t given it all that much thought (although he doesn’t seem to get that the iPad really isn’t tablet computing, it’s tablet iPoding).

  6. Pita.O says:

    To think that this was my hero for so many years! What was all that nervousness and gripping the chair tightly and looking generally sad and tired and being all defensive about Windows?

    It’s not like iPad vs Windows. It’s more like I have a lovely son who is graduating this year from University with a First Class degree (called Windows 7) but my neighbor’s young wife just had a lovely baby. They ask my opinion, and I say, “I had a baby first and he’s graduating this year. And thinking of my neighbor’s baby is not my full time job now because I have done a vasectomy. That’s just so … I thought geniuses are always a cut above!

  7. Rob says:

    Damn it Bill!! I thought you were going to say something cool or meaningful. I suppose if I had his money I really wouldn’t give a crap about competition either….it’s no longer his worry…..

  8. Killer's Dad says:

    “I think that it’s more an issue of Bill Gates being focused on curing malaria and other important world issues … It’s so non-tangential to his life that he probably hasn’t given it all that much thought.”

    Yeah, the second riches man in the world pays NO ATTENTION to how the company that made him wealthy competes in the marketplace. An NO he doesn’t own any stock in an Apple competitor any longer, he’s just a super hero curing malaria and ‘other important world issues’ besides his and his foundation’s net worths.

  9. Windows Slacker says:

    Stay Home – Bill, What a waste of our time !

  10. kenseidave says:

    So you expected the founder of Microsoft to sing the praises of an Apple product? Bah. Nothing to see here.

    Just let Bill get back to his humanitarian work and allow the ranting to come from that crazy mofo Ballmer.

  11. slappy says:

    FAIL! He’s so animated when he has to talk BS about how MS has been leading the way all along! FAIL.. lol

  12. Teegan says:

    kinda what I expected… Bill Gates is basically an idiot. A long time ago, he had one good idea, and some marketing skills. Heck, Bill is a college dropout. A RICH college dropout, but college dropout nonetheless. Windows has never had quality – only quantity.

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