Anyone who thinks I don’t need this for Father’s Day is sorely mistaken - Macenstein

Anyone who thinks I don’t need this for Father’s Day is sorely mistaken

For those of use who wish we could sleep with our iPhones… behold! 32 GB of insomnia-busting goodness!

iphone pillow

iphone pillow

iphone pillow

iphone pillow

iphone pillow

[Buy it here via design fetish]

3 Responses to “Anyone who thinks I don’t need this for Father’s Day is sorely mistaken”
  1. RiverRat says:

    What, you don’t sleep with yours already? I need to listen to it in the middle of the night to stop thinking about whatever work issue is giving me insomnia that night. (Yes, it happens every $^*&% night. No stress here.)

  2. Dave says:

    It’ll go great with some iPad sheets.

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