Wuss! - Macenstein


Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Alex for the tip!
[via Digg]

5 Responses to “Wuss!”
  1. anonymous says:

    be prepared to be sued. wolfram alpha’s results are copyright of wolfram alpha

  2. mnop says:

    No, they are not. You can use W|A’s images in articles. Journalists do it all the time.

  3. Wiseguy says:

    The Doc didn’t remove the Wolfram attribution and claim it as his own, so he’s fine.

  4. Killer's Dad says:

    Me thinks WAlpha runs on a MS Windows XP Server and secretly wants to be Xserved.

  5. ltldrummerboy says:

    “…depends on your personal tastes, preferences, and budget.” Budget? Methinks I see some PC bias here.

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