A new take on the Konami code

Above: I’m not how you “level up”, but she sure seems happy.
Yet another odd app approval choice in Apple’s totally arbitrary “war on porn” to protect our children, although I must say, I am almost tempted to get this one based solely on the “reset” procedure (below). Kind of makes up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A look a bit lame.
– ? Lift her Skirt Up ?
with your own finger
and find Property of her underwear– Her ? eyes ? will
follow where u touch– Play ? Simple ? 3.00 sec game
and give her energy which matches
with her underwear’s property– Let her transform into
? Super Girl ?
by Level her up to Lv 30– She will level up once a day
if you can tap after 3 seconds
( 2.55 ~ 3.05 allowed )– If u get 3.00 sec exactly
she can level up more than once– You can reset Data by touching
her breasts
Left -> Right -> Left -> Right??????????????????????
This will be Fun !!!
Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader joelom for the tip!
wondering how long it takes to apple to take this app offline. or will the developers be able to send out another release? maybe with different woman? or that the woman change a bit from level to level or day to day…. or what ever.