Imaginary GameBone Gamepad adds support for iPhone 4
22Moo, the Australian company that has threatened to one day release their GameBone Gamepad for the iPhone (for the past 700 days or so) has just announced that they have added iPhone 4 support to their mythological device. Instead of actually showing an iPhone 4 working in a functioning GameBone, 22moo has decided it would be better if they released yet another 3D rendering of what the GameBone might look like. Enjoy.
I don’t know, if I were 22moo I would have saved myself some PR money and also announced support for the iPhone 5 and 6, since no one expects to see a functioning GameBone before then. (22moo is free to prove us wrong at any time by sending us a review unit. We want this more than a unicorn).
This is lame and stupid..
I can’t see Apple ever approving of this, so unless it comes packed with lots of games and some software for a jailbroken iPhone to run them, they should just give up this hideous contraption.
They should rebrand them as: Game Bone Duke Nukem NEVER Edition
More than a unicorn….really!