Against all odds, “Pot for iPad” trade somehow goes horribly wrong - Macenstein

Against all odds, “Pot for iPad” trade somehow goes horribly wrong

iPad for pot
Above: 20-year-old Jacob Walker of Gilbert, AZ

If there’s only one thing that Hollywood has taught us (and there may very well be) it’s that there’s nothing more lovable than a pot head. Who wouldn’t love a laid back, always happy dude with a 2-day beard stubble and crazy hair, who wears a T-Shirt sporting some sort of hilarious design, and who only talks while laying down? I know I love them. And that’s why it’s such a shocker to find that one of these “salt of the Earth” members of our communities apparently attempted to trade his iPod touch and a couple ounces of his home grown Mary Jane (as the kids call it) for an iPad.

I don’t know, maybe it’s the aforementioned Hollywood brainwashing, but I just can’t get mad at the guy. I mean, did you see that mug shot? How perfect is his expression? And how many times have his parents seen it when asking things like “How’d the job interview go today?” and “Who ate all the wax fruit?”. Besides, the deal itself sounds like a fairly square trade. In fact, the only real mistake the guy made was posting the terms of the trade on Craigslist. (The Craigslist ad, which is mandatory reading by the way, is below).

iPad for pot

[via az family via The Digital Journal]

2 Responses to “Against all odds, “Pot for iPad” trade somehow goes horribly wrong”
  1. Tets says:

    He suffers from a severe case of an ID10T…

  2. M4tt says:

    he looks like ferris bueller…….bueller……bueller……

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