Darth Vader vs AppleCare - Macenstein

Darth Vader vs AppleCare

We all know Darth Vader invented the original iPod, so it’s no wonder that he’s an iPhone 4 owner as well.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Jeff for the link!

via tuaw

3 Responses to “Darth Vader vs AppleCare”
  1. MotoUser says:


  2. Imagine Engine says:

    What a great way to start the weekend 🙂

  3. I see what Darth Vader’s problem is… aside from being a whiney crybaby… he has no hands and wears gloves. How the hell does he even turn it on let alone get bad cellphone reception?

    As for the sharing of cell towers… even though they might share the same towers in places they still need their own transmitting gear… it’s not like they share that.

    I’m kind of glad Luke removed his helmet and euthanised him. Did the universe a favour to be honest.

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