Warning: NOT dishwasher/microwave safe

As if we needed further proof that the Japanese will go through any length to incorporate gadgets into their life, faithful Macenstein Jeff points us to one Sushi connoisseur who has created the ultimate high-tech Sushi plate.

Ok, actually it’s an iPad, but the dude’s actually eating REAL Sushi off it, complete with dipping sauce.

The man’s name is Shiinaneko, and he has the distinction of being the only man who can check his e-mail using his plate. As you can see, he’s actually created some Sushi inspired backdrops to compliment the real stuff he’s got spread all over his (presumably salmonella infested) iPad.

Via Craziest Gadgets
Sushi off your iPad? How about COOKING with your iPad!!
smudges on the demo units in the apple store don’t seem as gross to me.
Seems pretty clear, especially on the last image, that there’s a sheet of plastic cut to the shape of the iPad lying between the device and the food. Cute stunt, I suppose, but I don’t think he ever really put food on his iPad.