OK, so is Apple OK with exploitive App Store content or not?
I have a theory that there is ONE guy on the iTunes App Store Submission Approval Team (I call him Larry) who has decided to just say “Screw it” and is stamping “Approved” on all the sexually risque Apps that have been recently slipping back onto the iTunes store. Case in point, My Virtual Girlfriend.
Now to be clear, I have no problem with this app or Larry’s decision to approve it, nor do I consider it to be “porn”. But I certainly didn’t consider any of the 1000’s of bikini girl apps Apple pulled to be porn either, and I think one could argue that this app “objectifies women” far more than a slideshow of girls on the beach. Here’s hoping Larry is still on duty if and when we finally get our Mac Chick of the Month app going.
(Oh, and for the record, Playboy, Hooters
, and Sports Illustrated
all still have their “come ogle the ladies” apps on iTunes.)
All the virtual girlfriends have Man Hands.
They need to clone Larry!
LOL is that where girls look at first? I got man hands too!
A Mac Chick App? Now that I want on my iPhone/iPad! 😀
@ObamaPacman – HAHAHA! Nah, the hands weren’t the first thing I noticed – but I did notice they were all quite LARGE. Now a GUY with man hands…. I’m TOTALLY okay with 😉 ha!
Mac Chick of the Month app?
Genius. Pure genius.