I wish I had ever been that excited about anything
Behold Han Ziwen, the first person to buy an iPad in China. Well, that’s not true, actually. Odds are over tens of thousands of people in China already had iPads for months via other (more nefarious) channels, but let’s not tell Han that. After all, he went through the trouble of making up a “I Buy iPad #1” T-Shirt and everything.

Actually, it looks like he bought two iPads, so hopefully the guy behind him didn’t waste his money on a “I buy iPad #2” shirt.
Man I wish I was capable of that kind of emotion. This is a far cry from my iPad launch day experience. I was one of 4 people in line at my local Best Buy, I was the first one in, got my iPad, said “No” to the crappy case, and quietly left the store. Although when I got home I DID make my kids carry me around the living room on their shoulders for five minutes, but then again, I do that most days when I get home. It helps keep the “Daddy is God” myth going.
Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Jonathan for the tip!
via Geekologie
Video follow up… video of it on youtube…
There is definitely something mysterious about your homelife doc.
Yeap. iphone 4 will be on sale on 25th. Another apple store will be open in Shanghai on the same day! Apple is moving fast into Chinese market.
Apple in China: Welcome to the iPhone 4 launch. How may I assist you?
Customer: I’m here to buy an iPhone 4.
Apple in China: I’m sorry we’re sold out. Apple only shipped us 10 iPhone 4 for the launch.
Customer: What do you mean Apple only shipped 10 iPhone 4? There’s over 1000 people standing in line since 2 AM for the iPhone 4. Didn’t Apple expect this when there’s over a billion Chinese people living here?
Apple in China: I apologize. We may get more in a few months. Please check back later.
Customer: Can you tell me when you would expect to get shipments for the iPhone 4?
Apple in China: Sorry, we’re not allowed to disclose that information. Apple would prefer you line up for hours before we open to be told that we’re out of stock so as to build hype over the product.
Canada, UK, etc: Welcome to our world.
@Imagine Engine
You know you could just be a normal human being and not give in to the hype and line up and simply order one online and you’ll get it in a few weeks?