Subaru’s “Mediocrity” ads pay homage to Apple’s Propaganda videos - Macenstein

Subaru’s “Mediocrity” ads pay homage to Apple’s Propaganda videos

Sure, others have parodied Apple’s trademarked uber-pretentious mini product documentaries in the past, but Subaru’s latest series ads, featuring the “Mediocrity” are still funny as hell.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Fitz for the link!

4 Responses to “Subaru’s “Mediocrity” ads pay homage to Apple’s Propaganda videos”
  1. olderndirt says:

    “This car…is an exact replica…of a car.”

    OK, *that* was funny!

  2. Jonro says:

    Is this ad supposed to sell Subarus? Is it supposed to sell anything?

  3. LouRob says:

    That was “funny as hell?”

  4. Church says:

    Is that General Beckman from Chuck?

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