Oksana Grigorieva confirms that the iPhone ruined Mel Gibson’s career

Well, technically MEL ruined it, but on last night’s Larry King Live, Mel Gibson‘s Ex Oksana Grigorieva confirmed that all those rather unflattering recordings of Mel Gibson that broke a few months back were recorded on Oksana’s iPhone.
“Larry: How are they [the recordings] so technically good?
Oksana: They’re not THAT good. It’s just…
Larry: They’re pretty good.
Oksana: Really?
Larry: Don’t you think? You had a home machine?
Oksana: No, it’s not a machine it’s an iPhone. There’s an application called Voice Memos… He – I use it for…
Larry: This is all from a little iPhone?
Oksana: It’s all from a little iPhone, yes.
Larry: You just sold a lot of iPhones. That’s pretty good quality.”
Not only does Voice Memos deliver pretty good quality, given the amount of money Mel has likely lost in future acting/producing work, legal fees, and fake noses over these recordings, I think it’s safe to say that the free Voice Memos app is the probably the most expensive iPhone app ever made. At least for Mel.
BUT! You forgot to mention that when pressed as to why she recorded the conversations, she insisted that “Mel Gibson” (never just “Mel”) called her 30 to 40 times to the point where she said took the batteries out of all of her phones.
I find that pretty cool that she has the one and only iPhone that has a removable battery. Mel probably special ordered it for her when they were in love.
I’m pretty sure Mel is a nutjob, but she isn’t right either.
Mel Gibon?
Don’t you mean Sonny Bonobo?
@ Darron,
yeah, I think that’s nitpicking. Since in order to use Voice Memos, it’s obvious she wasn’t talking to Mel AND recording him on the iPhone, she was using her regular phones. It’s easier to turn off the iPhone than to stop a regular cordless from ringing (in most cases) so she probably just disassembled those phones and set the iPhone to silent. I don’t think her testimony should be deemed suspect based on that statement.
Besides, there are plenty of other items we could nitpick…
– The Doc
Doc, I see a future MacChick in the making.
Oksana could surely be the next mac chick. Don’t you think? 🙂
If you listen to the recordings, it sounds like he was leaving messages. Presumably she recorded from the answering machine to her iPhone, not sure why. But wow, does he have some anger issues!
Hahahahahahaha poor Mel