Pocket God’s “Double Rainbow” update is the greatest milestone in iPhone history - Macenstein

Pocket God’s “Double Rainbow” update is the greatest milestone in iPhone history

pocket god

If you own an iPhone, odds are by this point, you either own Pocket God or have long ago decided it was so stupid that you would NEVER buy it and anyone who did is an idiot. Well, if you’re open to listening to the opinion of an idiot, I must wholeheartedly recommend you pick up Pocket God, if for no other reason than the latest update, entitled “Double Rainbow All The Way Across The Sky“, which after two weeks still brings a smile to my face.

I’ll admit my love of this update is directly tied to my obsession with the Double Rainbow Guy video, and more importantly, the Double Rainbow Guy song, but hearing the Pocket God Pygmies quote the most famous lines from the infamous video is an instant mood changer. If you have ever bought any of those stupid novelty apps that have talking dinosaurs or aliens or whatever, Pocket God easily trumps them in terms of originality, creativity, replayabilty, and just plain hard work. So, please support iPhone developers who have a ridiculously immature sense of humor and pick up Pocket God today.

pocket god

5 Responses to “Pocket God’s “Double Rainbow” update is the greatest milestone in iPhone history”
  1. m4tt says:

    I agree this game is hours of fun and i love doing damage to the little guys.

  2. ObamaPacman says:

    What does it mean!?

  3. Micah says:

    It’s almost a triple rainbow!

  4. Chris Leither says:

    So intense!

  5. Chantal says:

    The way the Pigmies get so excited is great. Pocket God is worth the price just for this. I log on just to hear them say those quotes. It make me really smile. They are so cute.

    More please. Well done developers!

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